Diving into a past life I

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Klaus who'd been quietly listening spoke up "What do you mean you've felt before? It can't be the same of dahlias magic, that was just black magic."

Kara sighed and looked to Vincent, Kara snapped her fingers whilst mentally imagining a sound barrier around the entire store. The actions not only surprised Klaus but Vincent as well.

"What the hell? You can use magic?" Vincent balked

Kara nods "Most of my magic is more offensive, some for daily means and really this isn't the kind of magic you're used to."

Klaus pursed his lips "I think it's best you explain now Kara, because I'm pretty sure you were a a hybrid of vampire and wolf last we checked."

Kara had a look in her eyes "Five thousand years ago, the king of gods , Odin , had a disturbing vision, one that spelled Midgard or earth to be troubled soon, and so he sent one of his sons to govern and protect it."

"Sorry what does have to do with the hollow?" Vincent asked "And gods? Really?"

Kara smirked "Oh, they exist, or rather we do." Her eyes flashed her true god color, a solid gold. Surprising Klaus and Vincent. Vincent found it hard to breath .

"What—"" he choked Klaus had it a bit easier but struggled to stay on his feet as kara reigned in godly presence.

"That, was only but a fragment of my power." She explained softly , her voice taking a ethereal touch "I haven't recovered all my power yet.."

"Are.. you're still my sister?" Klaus asked with a hint of fear

Kara's eyes softened "I am, as I was saying Odin, my father in my past life sent me down from Asgard, as the god of justice and law , I would be exact justice to the entity threatening Midgard's peace. Many years passed , since I came to Midgard, after four and a half millenniums, I found myself enamored with a human woman, I fell in love , so in love that I wished to forsake my duty to Midgard and live a mortal life with the woman." Her eyes took a melancholic glow..

Vincent looked down "What happened?"

Kara laughed emptily "My father refused my request, and to remind me of my duty he struck her down, killed her and she died in my arms." A single tear rolled down her cheek "Now that I think of it, she shares the same face as Hayley, perhaps fate deemed me worthy of love after all." She said with a soft smile. "but .. back then I was lost in my grief, i was angry, distraught .. something escaped my sisters realm. Hellheim."

"Hell?" Niklaus checked

"Yes, hell, the place where all lost souls dwell, irredeemable souls, pure evil. Anyway, my sister contacted me but by the time it was too late, the spirit already laid root in me.. took control, used my darkness, the grief and despair and twisted it up, I massacred villages of humans, against my will. As you can imagine .. with my power, it was as easy and cutting a knife through butter."

Vincent grimaced "How did you free yourself?"

Kara shook her head "some how I managed to get a moment of clarity, whether by divine intervention or pure willpower, in that moment everything I did , all the lives I've taken, the blood staining my hands, the innocents I slaughtered became too much too bare and since the spirit was inside of me and me it's vessel. I used my own halberd , Longinus and killed myself."

Klaus blinked away his tears "And the spirit with it?"

Kara nodded "Yes, now of course gods are eternal, there are ways to stop us from returning but many ways lost to time and so I was reincarnated, five hundred years later, that's usually how long it takes give or take. This time I was born as a bastard to Esther and Ansel. Or rather as Mikaelson, something happened though, instead of my soul fully forming, I wager it was the curse dahlia placed on the first borne of Esther's line. Because technically I'm Esther's first born child with her lover Ansel. Either way, after a millennium I finally managed to merge the two parts that were separated. Now the reason I told you this is because that spirit that inhabited me in my past life had a sister .. which is what the hollow is. I have no idea why they were split but I'm guessing that because the spirit feeds on despair, grief and malevolence it found another host."

Vincent swallowed harshly, gods being real, sent him for a loop and seeing that a god was standing right before him even more disorientating, klaus predictably taking it better, he'd known of Tyr but he didn't know that his sister was one and the same, just reborn so to speak.

"Okay, so how do we beat the hollow?" Klaus asked since Vincent was still trying to accept the bunch of information thrown his way.

"We either trap it or kill it. That means , since it's anchored to me, the book Vincent gave me was used as a medium." Kara said looking to Vincent who nodded slowly understanding what she was getting at.

"Because it possessed me and wrote down all that information, it holds some of its power?" Vincent checked

"Exactly. We need either a siphoner witch , which there are very few of" kara spoke "Or a spell to Siphon it from me and into that book. Once trapped we destroy the book and goodbye hollow."

"This sounds much too easy." Klaus spoke up skeptically "surely there's a catch."

Kara chuckled "There is, of course destroying it will take a very strong weapon, something old, powerful , which is why, I'll be going to the place that has Longinus."

Klaus arched a brow "Which is?"

"Mystic falls, which is where I killed myself 1500 years ago." Kara said with a sigh "While I'm gone, I want you two along with Freya to try and find out more about the hollow, she was here, in New Orleans while her sister was using me to sow destruction and chaos, that means she had used someone here, possibly a witch or wolf ancestor. Try and find anything .. like—""

"Senseless massacres " Vincent interjected

Kara smiled weakly "Exactly, I don't think I need to tell the two of you how bad this will be if this spirit succeeds in taking me over or Hope. She's my daughter that means she's half god including everything else. She may not know it yet, but next to me, she's the strongest being to ever roam earth."

Vincent gulped "New Orleans would be wiped from the map."

Klaus shared his worry "Do we tell Hayley this?"

Kara licked her lips "I'll tell her in due time, first we try to subdue this spirit.. if we fail, I'm afraid the only option would be.."

Klaus growled "No."

Vincent realized what kara was alluding to "You'd kill yourself again."

Kara nodded "If it saves my daughter from this evil and committing atrocities, I'd gladly give my life up.. without hesitation."

Klaus narrowed his eyes "If this doesn't work, we find another way, or so help me kara, that little girl.. your..."he hesitated and glanced at Vincent "Your son .. will not grow up without his mama.."

Vincent blinked in surprise ..

"They'll have Hayley, they'll have all of you.. they will be fine." Before kara could move klaus blurred across the room and grabbed her shirt.

"Don't.." Kara took his wrists and made him let go.

"Let's speak of this no more, now , I'll be on my way to mystic falls. The two of you, inform Freya and start searching for answers. Tell Hayley I'll be back by night fall." She said before snapping her fingers again "and Vincent I trust the information, I told you remains quiet?"

Vincent nods "I don't think people would believe me even if I told them."

Kara smirked "No, they wouldn't. Earthlings prefer to have their gods remain invisible.. that way they're not let down."


A/N bro's I'm honestly making my own shit up as I go along, anyway, Kara's off to mystic falls to find her lost godly weapon which will also lead her to Alaric and speak of this school!

Hope y'all enjoying it.

Always & Forever Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ