~Chapter 6~

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Aelara was woken by a sharp knock at her door.

rising from her bed and wiping her eyes, she opened the door to a beaming Helaena. Behind her was an army of handmaidens led by Roslyn.

The princess almost skipped into the room before pulling the stunned Aelara into a tight embrace.

"Oh dearest cousin it has been so long." Helaena said in a singsong voice.

Her enthusiasm was shocking to Aelara who had only known the girl to be quiet, muttering rhymes to herself and collection of bugs.

"I have arranged for the tailor to design some new gowns for you the day after tomorrow. Oh I do hope you have brought enough to last till then. Even so, if you haven't you are more than welcome to borrow some of mine."

Aelara smiled at the woman. "I believe I shall be fine. I brought a few of my favourites with me."

"Perfect! I am terribly sorry if I am being overenthusiastic. It has been many years since I have had another girl around my age for company. That is if you excuse the Ladys of the court who only want to use me to find themselves a rich Lord to marry."

"Well in that case I believe we will make very good friends." Aelara said. This only made Helaenas smile even brighter.

"Well, I have arranged for some of the castle Handmaidens to assist Roslyn and guards will be stationed at your door at all hours of the day."

"You are too kind, I really do not need a small army of handmaidens tho." Aelara said to her cousin who was admiring the painted murals hung on the walls of her chambers.

She only hummed in response.

"Would you like a tour of the keep, or the gardens, they are truly lovely to walk in during the afternoons." Helaena sang walking over to her cousin.

"Maybe on the morrow, it has truly been an exhausting few days, I would appreciate some time to myself if you would not mind."

"Oh of course, shall I pick you up in the morning then?" Helaena questioned.

"That would be wonderful!" Aelara responded smiling widely. She couldn't help but feel comfortable around her elder cousin. 

Helaena went to leave the room but quickly mentioned "By the way, supper is at sundown every evening. there is no need to dress for the occasion as it is just the family." and with that, she left the room. 


After being introduced to her handmaidens Aelara decided to walk the gardens before supper. 

Now strolling at a leisurely pace often stopping to admire flowers and plants that caught her attention. The gardens held plants of every variety, with flowers of every colour and shape imaginable. 

Strolling along through the hedges she heard a woman talking in a low voice around the next corner. 

Aelara walked silently up to the corner of the hedge, preparing around to see a young servant girl sitting on a stone bench with a greasy man holding a walking cane. She thought of what an odd pair they were and decided to stay hidden. 

The two were talking in a regular tone oblivious to the extra set of ears listening in. 

Aelara turned towards the beautiful deep blue flowers admiring them as she listened to the odd pair talk. At first, she didn't think anything of their conversation as it seemed mostly normal until she heard the young girl mention her name. 

"There have been rumours that Aelara Targaryen had been instructed to reside here in kings Landing to spy on the royal family for her father and his wife Princess Rhaenrya." 

"Hmm, that is an interesting rumour, one that may or may not prove to be true" The greasy man replied in a low tone. 

Aelaras attention piqued, now listening more intently as she looked ahead to the bed of blue flowers. 

"The Kings time is coming to a close, Daemon and Rhaenrya know this... They must suspect that the small council will try to crown Aegon." The man had stood with a struggle and the servant woman remained seated as she said, "What shall be done about the princess Aelara then?" she questioned. 

"I want you to intercept any letters she sends, read them and report back to me on them... You shall receive your payment within the week." And with that, he limped off. The girl scurried away in the opposite direction, thankfully not seeing Aelara whos eyes were glued to the garden bed in front of her. 

The Princess stood like that for many moments, contemplating what she had just heard. 

How could they think that I was a spy for my father? He hasn't written me back for the last letter I sent, which was over a week ago, in fact, I have heard from him in months. Then her heart dropped, has someone heard of my training at Casterly Rock? 

Aelara spent many hours training and learning how to be invisible, walking without making a sound, and melting into shadows. 

No, it's not possible, the only people who know about that are her 'Trainers', two men from Braavos, both had sworn secrecy to her and Johanna. 

Taking a few deep breaths Aelara calmed her racing heart. 

Just as she was about to walk back into the castle walls a shadow appeared over her. 

Aelara turned coming face to face with Prince Aemond. 

"A ond maiden should not be roaming these gardens alone. Especially one as beautiful as you." He spoke with a smooth cool voice. 

"I was just admiring these beautiful flowers." Aelara replied. 

"Ahh, yes the 'Desert Bluebells', they are quite lovely."

"I did not now you had an interest in botany." 

"I don't." Aemond stated, "I did however have a very thorough and expensive education."

"Tell me then. Where are they native to?"

"Essos. In the south of the Dothraki Sea."

Aelara smiled at him. "Well at least you made the most of the well funded education." 

Aemond smitked and in one swift movement leaned past Aelara swiping one of the blue flowers from the garden bed. He the offered it to the princess, "For you my fair Lady." 

Aelara took the flower from him and thanked him. 

Aemond was looking deep into her eyes until he shaply turned his head away breaking eyecontact. 

"It is nearing sundown." He stated. "Supper will be served shortly. We should make our way to the royal dining room." 

"Oh yes. We should be on our way." Aelara said looking down at the flower Aemond had given her. 

Aemond then gently took the flower from her hands and tucked it neatly behind her ear, moving a few of the long curls aside. 

"Gevie" he whispered. Aelara replied "Yes the flower is beautiful."

Takenback Aemond stated "I did not now that you knew High Valyrian."

"Yes. My mother and father taught me at a young age." Aelara answered.

"Well then, shall we head in for supper then Princess?" Aemond asked in their mother tongue. 

Aelara smiled as she took his arm and the two walked together into the castle. 

Blood of the Dragon ~ Aemond Targaryen X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora