~Chapter 3~

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Aelara stood beside the Queen looking down at Aemond. The maesters had given him a mixture of herbs that formed a paste that looked like it was slightly moving. Aemond however was not phased by the concoction and ate it without complaint, Aelara thought that it was because of the shock and obvious pain he was in, because in her mind no one would ever let that sludge anywhere near her

Now he had calmed down and stitches were I'm place he looked over to Aelara. 

"Your dress." he said "I've ruined it". 

Aelara looked down at her now blood-soaked sleeves and front. The detailed deep blue embroidery was now hidden by red and the deep violet fabric was clearly unsalvageable. 

"It doesn't matter... It is just a silly dress." the young girl said as she looked with a worried expression to her cousin. "You all not worry yourself over me. you must rest and heal."

"Yes you should return to your chambers immediately" Alicent proclaimed as she stood.

The loud opening of the doors of the hall halted the Queen as a flood of bodies entered the room. 

Rhaenerya ran as fast as possible over to her two sons whispering to them while holding their faces. 

This sudden commotion gave Aelara the opportunity to slip into the shadows of the grand hall. 

as the chatter died down Aelara scanned the room for her sisters, who were standing next to Rhaenyra and her sons. Only then did she notice her father Daemon leaning against the great wooden doors, staring at her with a meaningful gaze. 

The young girl knew immediately what he was trying to communicate with her. 

Aelara Silently moved around the border of the room whilst Rhaenera and the Queen shouted at each other about their children. 

Finally reaching her father he didn't bother looking down when he murmured to his daughter in High Valyrian  "Go to your chambers. Ready yourself for your departure with the Lannisters."  

Reminded of her mother as Daemon spoke in the language of the dragons, Aelara began her exit. 

Before leaving the hall she looked back to see the young prince Aemond watching her as the King Viserys questioned him about the incident. 

walking back to her chambers Aelara could not help but sob to herself, She had lost not only her mother this week but was about to lose her sisters and father as well. 


Aelara had only gotten a few hours worth of sleep when the handmaidens had knocked and woken her from her slumbers. 

The sun had not yet risen and the young girl had puffy red eyes from sleep and the tears that set her to sleep the night before. 

Jason Lannister was a handsome man, there was no denying, With his golden hair and charming smile. But his constant boasting and chattering made him seriously unlikeable. 

"How am I going to last a year with this man" Aelara muttered to herself in High Valyrian as the man oversaw his many chests of clothing gold and everything in between piled into the many wagons. 

However the timid Lady Johanna, Jasons own Lady wife. 

The woman had the longest hair she had ever seen,  the black of her hair standing out against the yellow of her dress which boar small sea shell patterns woven into the fabric, no doubt a sly symbol of her own house, House Westerling. 

Aelara was thankful that her father was not there to see her off. she did not want to hear one of his many lectures. 

Her two sisters were both hugging her arms and torso complaining that they don't want her to leave.

"Be sure to write us" Rhaena chirped. 

"Of course, I will, I'll write you every day if you wish it."

With one last embrace, Aelara stepped into the red and gold-lined carriage, giving a small smile to her cousins Luke and Jace who stood on the boat that was to be heading back to Driftmark. 

Sharp point was very underwhelming. Tho Aelara wondered if it would look nicer if clouds did not block the sunlight. 

Finally, as she sat comfortably in the carriage alongside Lady Johanna and her handmaiden, Aelara pondered the next year when the thought of prince Aemond wandered into her mind. 

Blood of the Dragon ~ Aemond Targaryen X OCWhere stories live. Discover now