"I don't know... he sounds pretty nice looking to me. What was his name again?" Bugs straightened as he waited for the duck to realize what was going on.

"Bugs-" then it clicked and Daffy turned his head to look at the bunny. "BUGS!"

Lola finally found the strength to look behind her as well. She was afraid of the person not being Bugs, but someone with a similar voice. But once seeing him she felt relief and joy and the tears started falling down her cheeks. "Bugs!"

Both Tunes got up and Lola immediately pulled him to a hug. "It's really you! You're back!" she sniffed. Then she suddenly broke the hug and started shaking him. "Don't ever do that again!"

"Yeah, what she said." Daffy agreed, crossing his arms while standing next to Lola. "Giving me hope and taking it back like this? Merciless. Very Merciless."

"I missed you too, Duck." Bugs smiled. As the expression softened on the duck's face he opened his arms, offering a hug with a smile. Daffy immediately hugged him and started crying on his shoulder. Not even a second had passed when Lola joined the hug crying as well, though her sobs were silent unlike Daffy's. Bugs had to remind himself to stay calm and collected. Keep it together Bugs, keep it together.

"Wait, we need to tell the rest of the Tunes!" Lola gasped, raising her head.

Daffy turned to her, "I got this." He said calmly, took a step back, pulled a hailer, and shouted "EVERYONE EMERGENCY MEETING NOW!"

Bugs and Lola had to plug their ears.

"There." Daffy said as he threw away the hailer, which went towards the three kids, Wakko jumped and ate it with one successful bite.

Bugs felt the earth shaking and saw a cloud of dust coming closer towards them from the city. He knew who they were. He felt his heart beating faster as the rest of his family came closer. He felt his hand squeezed by Lola and saw her smiling sweetly. Daffy too was smiling, even though he was looking much calmer than a few minutes ago. Both she and Daffy were quite emotional at this moment, and Bugs wondered for how long he could keep his emotions to himself.

"What's it, son?" Foghorn talked first.

"Please don't tell me you want someone to bring you a glass of water again." Speedy said.

"Or another untidy feather situation." Sam stared at Daffy.

"I-i-it better be an a-a-actual emergency this time." Porky said. He looked tired.

Daffy raised one of his fingers. "First, these were emergencies." He raised another finger. "Second, I want to announce that somebody finally decided to show up." He stepped back, letting the Tunes focus on Bugs.

All the tired and annoyed expressions left their places to a shocked one. None of the Tunes moved, their eyes focused on Bugs. The hare wasn't moving too. He had thought he wouldn't be able to see them again. But now, they were here. All of them were here.

They had stayed. Everything was just like how it used to be. The famous toons were together in their own world.

Bugs just had raised his hand to wave to the shocked group when they jumped on him pulling him on a big emotional hug. The various lines about missing him and being worried about him along with sobbed yelling where were you?! filled his ears. Light sobs accompanied them. Now, Bugs was not someone to cry around people easily. Not if it wasn't something comedic. But Bugs Bunny couldn't keep the tears away anymore. Seeing them, hearing how worried they were and how much they had missed him... he let his emotions free as he hugged back his family. He was home, he was back and his family was still around. They really were here.

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