i was made for lovin' you, baby

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It was a Saturday morning, everything was going great, too great for Daffy’s liking.

The duck knew that when things went like this, something was going to happen. Something, or rather saying, someone, had a scheme to bring chaos into the house.
The majority of time it was their kids, sometimes himself, and rarely his husband.

— Hey sweetheart, can you pass me the syrup? — said the bunny with a grin in his face, a smile that said “I know exactly what I'm doing, and I don't regret it”

Ah, there it is.
His love for being right almost surpassed his concern. Almost.

¿What was happening inside his husband's head?

— Yeah, whatever — his concern slipping in his voice while passing what was asked to the gray bunny.

It wasn't like they never used pet names, they did. But never so… cheesy.

If he wasn't sure before, he was now. His bunny husband was planning something.

— ¡Ew! ¡Dadoo is flirting! ¡Yakko told them to stop! — the voice of his younger kid, Dot, was heard, calling for her older brother.

— I'm not flirting, I was just asking for the syrup to my lovely husband — you could definitely hear the amusement in their voice.

Oh, the bastard was enjoying this so bad.

— ¡Ugh! ¡Stop being gross! — if Yakko wasn't disgusted by his parent figure before, he was now.

— ¡Don't flirt in front of the baby! — the only girl said, placing her hands in Wakko’s ears.

— He's older than you, ¿remember? You're the baby here — he talked with the tone of a man who already heard that sentence a million times before, and he did.

— We’re getting off topic here, the important subject here is ¿why Dadoo is acting so mellow with Dad? — the oldest, as someone who had experience dealing with people talking over others (raise two kids and you'll see) spoke.

— I don't know what youre talking about, kiddo — said the bunny with an “im innocent” tone.

Of course the bastard was going to deny everything, Daffy wasn't expecting something else from them.

— Daddo, stop playing, we know you're up to something — Wakko spoke while narrowing their eyes, starting a staring contest with the gray bunny.

— ¿You really think so? ¿What if I just wanted to compliment the beautiful duck I'm married to? — their voice showed that they were not going to surrender soon.

Sadly for them, their kids were as stubborn as them.

Daffy knew all this complimenting him was for a purpose, but that didn't stop him to blush like a middle school girl on her first date.
He noticed that Bugs was secretly looking at him, and when their eyes met the first thing that the bunny did was winking at him.

Oh, the buck-tooth bastard knew the effect he had on Daffy. And they had no mercy.

— Come on, tell us your plan and we may help you — the middle child tried to whisper into one of their father’s long ears but failed miserably, their so-called “whisper” was definitely not that.

Betrayed by his own family, Daffy couldn't believe this.

— ¡Hey! ¡I thought you were on my side! — the duck spoke in a half-joking/half-serious tone.

— I was, but then I remembered that Dadoo pays the Wi-Fi so I decided to change teams —

Huh, fair point.

Kids will be kids, that means they lost interest in the matter after five minutes without getting a response from Bugs. Yeah, he said they were stubborn but after all they still had things more important to do, like watching their favorite TV show or texting with their partners like Yakko was doing during Wakko and Daffy’s arguing.

But he didn't forget. In fact, he kept thinking about his husband's attitude the rest of the day.

It wasn't until bedtime that he had the opportunity to ask them without having his kids interrupting.

— Hey Bugsy, why did you do the whole "compliment thing" this morning? —

— Eeh, I just wanted to embarrass you in front of the kids, I don't usually have the opportunity, do I? — the bunny smiled softly at him.

— ¡I knew you were up to something! — exclaimed the duck.

— Eeh Daff, everyone knew, I wasn't quite subtle about it. —

— Shut up Rabbit, I want to taste this moment a little bit more.— he spoke with a false, irritated tone.

Bugs, being quite used to their partner's mood, shrugged their shoulders in a disinterested way.

— Whatever you say, Duck — said the bunny as he got comfy in bed. — Love ya' dear —.

— I love you too, Bugsy — the bunny couldn't see his smile, but he was sure they already knew based on his soft tone of voice.


Suddenly, three disgusted groans were heard from the kids room.

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