Part 7

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Having moved a sufficient distance from the prying eyes of the nurses to not be seen, we stood up. Sammy popped up instantly, Patrick and I with a much more involved process twisting, popping, grunting, and sounding much like two popcorn machines that are about on their last leg. My knees and elbows would forever be grateful.

"Okay men," Patrick said conspiratorially, voice low and full of meaning, "we made it through what might have been the most dangerous part. Those nurses can be pretty strict..."

"OH MY! And, who is this handsome young man?" Like an apparition, Charlotte Babcock was around the corner and standing next to us. Charlotte, aka Sparkle Plenty, is usually spotted very easily from the glow of her bedazzled wardrobe. To say she lights up a room would be a vast understatement.

"Good grief!" Patrick muttered. "The last thing this mission might need is 'The Beacon Of The Night' to show up." I wasn't sure whether Patrick was referring to her wardrobe or the fact that she had made her living swinging on poles at questionable establishments. He wasn't known to give her much slack on either front. She loved this and gave as good as she got, binding them together in a very antagonistic friendship.

"Don't make me act rudely in front of a beautiful child Patrick. I might have to accidentally step on your empty head."

"Lord please give me strength," Patrick moaned, "should we bring her in on this mission Amos?"

"Well, seeing as she is standing in front of us would be a pretty good hint that she is in already Patrick."

Sammy was watching this exchange, his head swinging back and forth from one to the other. As Charlotte was introduced to him he politely shook her hand but had a look on his face that I thought must be concern over the pursuit of ice cream being canceled. We brought Charlotte up to speed on our venture and, as she had done with other of our misguided escapades, she immediately joined us.

AMOS TROTTER 12;  SAMMY'S VISITWhere stories live. Discover now