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No fanart of Trix that I can find! So have this! Sorry! (Art not mine)

Okay. This one will be kinda short, because I don't have that much to say.

One, I kinda ship Rayni and Trix. Ngl. I hope he turns good so they can be together

I mean, c'mon! Secret snack runs? A code that they came up with just so they could pass notes? She trusts him? He trusts her? I really hope it happens.

Sorry not sorry

But, he's a really powerful Guster. Like. It showed when Sophie and him met. He was able to control the winds and make it tear through them anf the forcefield and hurt them and that's super cool?? Also really bad but wow?? That's so awesome??

Another character where we don't know what they look like!

*angry noises*

I hope we get more info on him, tho. He didn't seem entirely devoted to the Neverseen's cause, and he was really only there for Umber.

(Which, btw, was really shocking? He dated Umber? And was utterly heartbroken when he found out that she had died?? That was really sad.)

I also imagine him with dark colored hair. Either that, or like, really bright. No in between lol

What do you guys think?

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