An important decision

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The next day I was tired as hell. When my mum came into my room and saw my face, she asked shocked: "What happened to you?". "I couldn't sleep the whole night." "Why?", she asked and I simply said: "Too much on my mind". She nodded and went downstairs. I followed shortly after and ate my breakfast at the table. After getting ready for school, I went to the bus station. When the bus came, I hopped in. 40 minutes later I arrived at school. Like always I was the first one of my friends to arrive but today I didn't mind. After another 30 minutes, I got a message in our group chat. "Hey guys I am already inside", Ace replied, after that everyone else wrote the same thing. "Guys. I waited here at the stone for 35 minutes!", my message sounded angry. "Sorry:( ", wrote Michael and the others said sorry too. I wrote that while I entered the building. When I arrived at our classroom everybody was already inside to get warmed up. I signed before I entered the room and sat down between Michael and Ace. "Hey Kimi, did we have homework", Michael asked our third friend and she answered: "I don't think so". "What subject do we even have now", Ace asked confused and Michael clapped his hand into his face. "What do you think?". "Hmm I don't know." "How we are literally sitting in a room full of computers. Or are you completely blind now?", he asked, and Ace said with a wink of her shoulder: "It could be anything". "Oh my god. We have Information processing with Mr. Reiß". "Okay, I got it. Why are you always so mean". "Because sometimes you are stupid. Am I right Lara?" I didn't even realize that somebody was talking to me. "Earth to Lara, Hello". Michael swirled with his arms in front of my face. "Huh? Did you say something?", I asked with a distant gaze. "Are you okay?", asked Michael and my friends looked at me with worried eyes. "I am fine just couldn't sleep the whole night". "Okay? Btw. how was the concert?", asked Kimi and I just answered it with a quick awesome. My three friends looked at each other and exchanged looks. The lesson with Mister Reiß was going slowly and most of the time we had to work alone. At least we could listen to some music. As for me, I didn't even hear the music that was playing over my headphones. It sounded very distant. My eyes weren't on the screen at all. They focused somewhere between the wall and something else in the distance. "Ähem", said somebody but I didn't hear it. "Lara!", again the voice. By now it was closer than before and sounded angry. I snapped out of the daydream and looked right in the face of our computer science teacher Mister Reiß. "Could I speak to you for a few minutes, if I am not disturbing your daydreaming, of course." I sighed and said: "Of course Mister Reiß". We headed out on the corridor. He looked at me softly for several times and then said: "Lara what is going on? I never saw you like this before". I sighed again and answered: "It's nothing. Just tired. I couldn't sleep the whole night. Too much in my head now". "I ask again: What is going on in that brain of yours?". "I ähm I need to make a choice and I just don't know what to do". "What is that choice? Maybe I can help?", he said and looked at me while he started to think. "I was at a concert at the weekend and the singer asked me to come on stage with him and offered me that I would leave all behind to become a pro at singing. The thing is I need to move to America and to...". "Leave everything behind?", he finished the sentence for me, and I just nodded sadly. Mister Reiß looked at me understanding my situation. "I see. That is indeed a hard decision". "I just don't know what to do. I really would love to become a singer. I love music more than anything and I also love America a lot, but could I really leave my family?". He looked like he needed to think for a second. He smiled softly before he said: "If you really desire something you should do it. Even if your heart and brain don't feel the same. To follow your dreams is important, to look back at your life someday and tell yourself that you broke every bone and that you can say: I lived. Don't think about what is right or wrong. Just do it and if it doesn't work out you can always come home". "I don't know". I said sadly and he said: "Is it your dream to become a pro singer or not?". "Yes but...". "Then fucking do it. Live your dream. You will regret it if you don't do it. Don't think about who you will hurt or leave. It's important that you will be happy with it and not others. I know that sounds painful, but you can always come home. And you will always have a place in this school. Just don't forget us here". At the end he smiled, and I couldn't hold my tears and the smile back. "Thank you, mister Reiß. You are truly the best teacher we could ever have. I promise I will never forget this school". He smiled and we went back into the classroom. Of course, nobody had worked but Mister Reiß didn't really care at that moment, because he was just happy to help. I wrote Bear on the same day and told him my decision and where to meet. I also wrote Mister Reiß a Moodle message and asked him to come to the city in 3 days at 3 pm and told him where. He had agreed.

3 days later I insisted on going to the city with my mom. She agreed and so we went to the city. I also invited my friends. We all arrived at the Haerder Center at the same time. Everybody was confused. "Why is Mister Reiß here and your mum?", asked Ace and Michael added: "Not that we don't have anything against it, but we are just confused. What is so important that even Mister Reiß came?". "I...", I wanted to say but somebody behind us said: "Hey you guys". Everybody turned around and I started to smile. "Bear it's nice to see you. Also thank you for coming". "Of course,", he said also smiling. My friends and my mum looked confused, and I said: "This is Bear Rinehardt aka Wilder Woods. The guy I was at the concert at the weekend". "And why are we here?", asked Fin confused and I said: "I ähm", I looked to Mister Reiß, and he just nodded. It gave me confidence and I said: "I will go with Bear to America and start a career as a profi Singer-Songwriter". Everybody stared at me in shock. The only two who didn't were: Mister Reiß and Bear Rinehardt. The reason: They already know. "Are you sure? I mean it's a huge step", my mother asked as she was the first to speak. "Yes, mum, I am sure. Surer than I ever was". She looked at me for a second and smiled. Michael and Kimberly said at the same moment: "We have a famous friend now. We want merchandise". I laughed. "Sure, you will get some". Ace just hugged me and said: "Be careful out there, okay?". "I will. I promise". I hugged her tied. Even Mister Reiß came to me and hugged me. "You will do great". "How do you know that?", I asked curiously. "I just know. Believe me". He smiled brightly and that affected me. The only one who didn't say anything until now was Fin. "Fin what do you say?", I asked, and she looked at me before she said emotionally: "You know I always support you. No matter what". We hugged each other before I turned to Bear and said with a smile: "I finished everything. I am ready to go". "Wait you are going today?", my mother asked, and I nodded. "No, I am leaving tomorrow. Bear is leaving today. I will fly after him. It's better this way. He needs to get everything prepared". All nodded and I signed happily. We went out to eat food. I paid.


Hey guys :) Sorry for letting you wait so long. But here I am with a new chapter. As always leave a comment and share the story if you like. Have a nice week a head of you. 

See you :)

Your Finsterstern

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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