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(Does Regina get jealous?)


She gets jealous very easily. It definitely does not take much for her to get jealous.

She will mainly get jealous when people talk to you longer than she wants them to, or when someone touches you. Some examples are..

•When someone is laughing with you and lightly taps your shoulder.
•when you talk to certain people (Emma)
•when you hang out with your friends all day
•(she's the worst with this one) when your talking with Emma, Snow, Ruby, or Belle and they place their hand on yours..

She can't help it though, she loves you. You are hers and she will not let anyone take you away from her. She has gotten really good and masking her jealousy when others are around but when you two get home she will definitely be talking to you about it.

If Regina is able to stop someone from touching or talking to you she will definitely try! When you and Regina were at the ball in Camelot Emma tried to dance with you. When she came up to you Regina swiftly grabbed your waist and kissed you. This made Emma uncomfortable and she walked away. Regina was proud of herself and although you knew exactly what she was doing, you didn't question her because it meant more kisses.

All in all Regina gets jealous, but she knows you love her and she tries not to overreacting when it's unnecessary.

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