Cram School

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Kakashi watches amused as Naruto runs frantically around the house, desperately trying to get ready and be at school on time. Usually he wouldn't care but today? Today's graduation day. The last day where he'd have to put up with Sakura and Sasuke, the last day teachers can make him have quiet hands, and the day where his future is decided.

Naruto grabs his lunch from the counter, gives his dad a hug, and books it out the door. He climbed the building (no hands!!) just like his dad taught him, before hopping across the roof tops to avoid crowds of villagers.

He managed to make it to his seat 10 minutes before the bell rang, remembering to henge his hair short before entering the classroom (last time he forgot to, a classmate snipped off his ponytail and Naruto had to grow his hair out again).

The tests were pretty damn easy, he passed the test (although he barely passed the history section, too many little details), and the practical? His dad is Sharingan Kakashi, the Copy-nin. He aced it, thanks to dad's chakra control lessons.

Naruto almost cried when he was given his hitai-ate, not caring about the weird looks that his happy hands got him. He did it, he's a Genin. A green one, sure, but a Genin none the less. One step closer to his goals.

His goal? Simple. To be the best damn medic in Konohagakure, even better than Tsunade the Slug Sannin. After his chakra control lessons, Naruto learned that he much preferred being a support and medical nin (specializing in senbons, seals, chakra chains, and medical ninjutsu) over being a brawler.

Naruto zoned out, running through the possibilities and probabilities of his teammates before hearing his name being called,

"Team Seven: Uzu-Hatake Naruto, Aburame Shino, and Nara Shikamaru. Jonin Sensei: Hatake Kakashi."

Okay, that's certainly NOT what Naruto expected. The Ino-Shika-Cho formation has been a thing for generations due to how well their clan jutsu's work together.

Naruto considered himself lucky though, all considering. Shino and Shikamaru are really reliable, and they haven't bullied Naruto. They're both pretty quiet, which might make teamwork a bit harder, but his dad will whip 'em into shape.

Naturally, Kakashi showed up late, leaving the three to sit in awkward silence for three hours (actually, Shikamaru just slept and Shino was chilling with his Kikaichū, so it was really just Naruto who was suffering).

The one who broke the silence first was Shikamaru, who woke up looking annoyed,

"Naruto, I have a  couple questions but you don't gotta answer 'em. When did your name change to Uzu-Hatake? Does it have to do with our sensei? I can't take a nap without thinking about it."

Naruto shrugged, "My name changed last year, and it's because Hatake Kakashi's my adoptive dad."

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.....right in Naruto's trap.

"Naruto Uzumaki-Hatake. What did I say about glitter-paint bombs?"

An fox-like grin spread across Naruto's face, squinting his eyes,

"You said only use it during an emergency or when a bastard deserves it. Who was the one who left us here for three hours while you read your weird porn book in the tree outside."

Shikamaru started cackling with Naruto while Shino's body shook with suppressed laughter, leaving their shameless sensei (covered in bright pink paint and glitter) to dramatically fall to the floor and weep crocodile tears, which only caused the tweens to laugh harder and poor Shino to finally loose his composure for the first time.

Kakashi jumped back up to his feet like nothing happened and told the trio to meet him on the roof in five minutes before poofing away.

Naruto obviously stole his thunder by grabbing his comrades and poofing them onto the roof immediately after.

They all sat in a circle, introduction time.

"I guess I'll start. My name's Naruto Uzu-Hatake. I like sealing, medical ninjutsu, and pranks. I dislike rapists, abusers, and judgemental assholes. My goal is to be the best medic nin in Konoha."

"I'll go next, why? Because Shikamaru is a lazy bastard. My name is Shino Aburame. I like my Kikaichū, magnolias, and neutral weather. I dislike the same as Naruto aswell as extreme weather and bright lights. My goal for the future is to be an academy teacher and to help the next generation achieve their goals."

"What a drag, my name is Shikamaru Nara. I like taking naps, cloud watching, and taking care of the Nara deer. I dislike the same as Naruto and Shino plus wasted effort."


Naruto raised an eyebrow at his dad before deciding that peace isn't an option,

"His name is Kakashi Hatake. He likes his Icha-Icha paradise books, eggplant miso, and fostering dogs even though we already have eight ninken. He dislikes being a sensei, my pranks, and having to wake up before 11 am. His goal, in my opinion, is already accomplished."

Kakashi muttered something along the lines of,

" mystery points...."

Ignoring that, Naruto moved on,

"Right, so what's the test? Because I know there's no way in hell that you wouldn't take the chance to be a sadist."

Kakashi cackled,

"Be at training ground 7 at 8:00 am, don't eat breakfast!" he demanded, before poofing away.

Naruto turned to his teammates,

"That means show up at 11 am and absolutely eat breakfast."

They didn't question it.

"Must you take the fun out of everything?" Kakashi pouted, frowning at the rocks tied to his belt where those damn bells are supposed to be. A faint glow imited from Naruto's hands before Kakashi felt something small and cold bounce off of his forehead. Catching it easily, he inspected it.

The damn kid fixed the bells.

"How the hell-"

Naruto did jazz hands before replying with a simple,


"Team 9?"


"Team 8?"


"...Team 7?"


Everyone in the room paused.

"You're kidding, right? Everytime we've tried to give you a team you always failed them." Asuma deadpanned.

"Passed the bell test."

"You mean the hell test. It's a scam, I swear." Asuma muttered, getting a little zap from Kakashi.

By nightfall, team 7 was passed out in Kakashi's living room, a mess of tangled limbs (which is surprising, considering Shikamaru and Shino don't seem like the cuddly type).

Kakashi just rolled his eyes and threw a blanket onto the trio before heading to his own room to pass the fuck out.

Kids are demons.


Ta-da! Two chapters down, 24 to go! I absolutely had to draw Kakashi's sparkly pink hair, so enjoy!


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