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I learned that her name is beverly. She showed me where the principals office is and told me that I could sit with her and her friends who are called the losers club at lunch. What an interesting name. I looked down at my timetable and saw that maths was my first class. Great. Let's see if I find it. Maybe I could just get lost, so I don't have attend class.

After searching for a long time, I finally found my class. I slowly opened the door and peaked my head inside to only see not so many students gathering at their desks. I went inside some people were looking at me, probably because they have never seen me before and others were just minding their own business. I decided to sit at a desk at the very back next to the window.

I didn't have anything better to do, so I just got out my sketchbook and starting sketching some random things in the classroom.

After the bell rang the teacher told me to introduce myself. Everyones gazes were immediately on me. I already hate this. I went to stand in front of the class. I didn't know where to look at so I just stared at the wall at the back of the classroom.

,,Um, hey I'm y/n.'' ,,Y/n, why don't you tell us something about you?'' My new teacher wich I learned was called Ms.Bryan smiled at me. She didn't seem that bad, she also still looks pretty young. ,,Sure,um. I come from y/t. (Your town) I like to draw and read. And I also like horror movies.'' ,,You can sit down now.'' my teacher told me. I nodded and went to back to sit down.

Once I sat down I let out a small sigh. And so I started to listen to the teacher and wrote some notes down.

After some time I just zoned out and looked out of the window, when I heard the teacher something say. ,,Ah, Patrick. Finally decided to attend to class?'' Ms. Bryan said to the person called Patrick. I didn't really pay any attention to their conversation until I heard my name being called. ,,You can sit over there next to y/n.'' I took a quick glance around the classroom and saw that the seat next to me was the only seat left. Well,damn.

𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 ( Patrick Hockstetter x reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum