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(Omniscient POV)

"Seven?" Jayda called out. His mom had let her into their house, and told her he was upstairs.

"Is he ok? Did he tell you what happened?" Jayda asked Nicole, Seven's mom.

"He came home looking some type of way, but I didn't bother ask, he wouldn't tell me anyway." Nicole shrugged as she removed the chicken from the freezer.

"Oh, ok."

"What did you say happened?" Nicole asked. She washed her hands thoroughly in the sink, rinsing up to her elbows. She wore light blue scrubs and black crocs, with a lanyard around her neck and a walkie talkie hung from her hip.

"Ilana," Jayda paused. "She's in jail."

"What?" Nicole exclaimed. At that moment Sakani ran down the stairs to nosily inspect what was happening. "How?"

"I don't know, that's why I came over, because Seven told me."

"Oh my God! What was she even doing anyway?" She asked Jayda in disbelief. Jayda looked at Sakani, and when he excused himself she spoke. "Possession and use of drugs."

"I TOLD SEVEN NOT TO TRUST HER!" Nicole yelled, making Jayda flinch. "Sorry, but I knew she was a bad influence, now look. Seven taking on her problems because she was selling drugs." She continued. "He's probably smoking all that weed because of her too." Nicole kissed her teeth before taking the lanyard off her neck and resting it on the kitchen counter.

"I don't smoke weed because of her." Seven emerged from the stairs, he glared at his mom.

"Then why Sev, do you want to end up like your father?" She asked him, her eyes glossed over as she looked up at him.

"I'll be so real, I don't know why." He said to her, before taking Jayda's arm and leading her upstairs.


"So what then?" Jayda asked Seven as she sat on the edge of his bed. His room was messy, but it was messier. And the smell of weed and cologne waded in the air.

"No idea. I could bail her out but I can't." He sighed.

"Well why not?" Jayda replied, not understanding.

"Too much. Plus she's got years worth of a sentence on 'er."

"I wish I could help." Jayda said honestly. She'd known everyone at her school for only such a short time but felt like they had a relationship for years.

Jayda looked at Seven, wondering how he was feeling and what he was thinking. But she couldn't read him. And that's because his mind was blank. His expressionless face darkened the already dim room. Leaving Jayda to wonder what on earth is going on inside his head?


CLK19 XWL replayed on Nana's mind that evening, She paced up and down her bedroom, making up scenarios in her head that linked to who was in that car and whatever they could've been doing following her. Maybe they're planning to kidnap me one day? Or it's Eman's friend? Trying to tell me to take him back? - No way under God's green earth i'll do something as stupid as that. She thought.

"Do you remember the car we saw today by the highstreet?" She messaged Jayda. Then reminding herself that her life isn't a wattpad story, and that she should just leave it. Maybe they live in the area, or someone just got a new car? She tried to convince herself, but it wasn't working.

She kept going back to where she saw the car for the first time, and the other times viewing the same car. Her suspicion was high but she couldn't back it up.

"What are you doing?" Nana's sister, Nifemi asked as she ambushed her thought process.

"Oh, nothing."

"You we're defo doing something." She then said, closing Nana's room door behind her and going to sit on the bed. "What's up?"

"I'm like 99% sure that someone's been following me and my friends for weeks." She finally confessed, exhaling the breath she didn't realised that she had held in.

"Did you hear that Ilana got bagged?" Nifemi asked her, dismissing her statement.

"Yeah but what does that have to do with anyth-"

"Dunno, maybe it's one of her friends." Nifemi shrugged. "Do you know what they look like?"

"Nah, it's a car. A black BMW Series 8."

"I'm not sure, let me know if you find anything else, though." Said Nifemi with a look of concern plastered across her face.



A/N: Not proofread xx

not even gonna tell y'all, yk what to do

jaydalool xx

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