Som: Rain I'm sorry. For everything I did.

Phayu: You should be.

Rain: Phi don't be so harsh on him and why're you two wearing mask? It's not like there's some outsiders.

Prapai looked at Som and Ple and glared.

Prapai: They are. They hurt you Nong.

Rain: I forgive them. You guys don't have to be so alarmed.

Ple: Really Rain?

Rain: Ple I heard why you guys did that and I felt really bad about that. That wasn't your fault to do anything to survive. If I was in your place maybe I would've done the same thing. So I think we should forget the past and try to make it better what we have in present.

Everyone was shocked. What ! It's their little Rain right? When did he became so mature?

Sky: Rain?

Rain was confused too why everyone was looking at him like they saw a ghost.

Rain: What ? Is there anything on my face?

Phayu: Yes. Can I kiss you?

Rain blushed hard.

Rain: Stop it what're you saying in front of everyone and you're wearing mask now. I won't let you kiss me like that!

Phayu removed his mask.

Phayu: Can I now?

That make Som and Ple shocked.

Ple: P'Phayu?

Som: So you're Prince Venice?

Phayu: Chai, I am.

Som: I'm sorry P'Phayu.

Phayu: It's ok. Rain forgave you so I do too.

Som: Thank you so much Prince Venice I mean P'Phayu.

Phayu: Just call me P'Phayu.

Som: Khrab Phi. I promise to be the most loyal subject of you and the Theerapanyakul family.

Rain: And my friend gang too. Eh? P'Pai when are you gonna show your face? Show them.

Pai sighed at his Nong's demand and remove his mask.

Again Som and Ple were stunned. Oh how wrong they were to think they were dating two different person.

Pai: My Nong forgave you doesn't mean I trust you.

Ple: We'll show our worth Phi.

Pai nodded and told Sky to sit beside him. Sky went and sat beside his boyfriend and Phayu said.

Phayu: What about my kiss?

Rain: Later

Saying this he went to sit beside Pai but Phayu pulled him and make him on his lap while growling playfully.

Rain: Baka

Pai started laughing seeing Phayu's childish behaviour. On the other hand Ple , Som and Stop was watching them amusingly. They never thought they'll see this side their senior.

Sky: Pa said our training will start tomorrow.

Ple: Yeah we will transfer our things here today. Khun Arm said he'll help us to do that. But he have some works to do so he said us to wait .

Sky: Okay then you guys settle here and rest properly. I swear Mae is so tough while training.

Rain: Chai he even didn't listen to me

And he pouted. Everyone awwwed at his cuteness and Phayu squeezed his cheeks.

Rain: Oui Jeb ( Meaning: Hurts).

Phayu chuckled. But at that time Vegas came and called for Sky and Rain.

Vegas: Sky, Rain can you come with me for a minute?

Sky: Yes dad . We'll be back in a minute.

They followed their father and he took him to his secret training room.

Vegas: Rain , Sky do you know just training is not enough for fighting?

They looked confused at the question.

Vegas: I meant body is not always the strength. You have to be sharp in mind and emotions too.

They nodded so Vegas continued.

Vegas: This is the room I gave Pai and Venice a training. I thought about giving you the training in future but looks like it's time.

Rain: What training dad?

Vegas: Basically about some mind tasks to ready you guys to flex your mind in any situation and how to deal with outsiders and the most important thing is
........How to torture a person to death.........


Sorry guys for the late update.

My test exam is going on so I couldn't write . But I had a holiday so thought about writing a page . My test isn't over yet so it'll take a little more time for me to update randomly.

But wait for me guys . I'll update soon . And give you lots of interesting chapters right after finishing exam. So read my story and keep supporting.

Thank you so much for your support and love 🥺💗

I love you guys a lot

See you in next chapter 🥰🥰

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