"like a 9.5" Olivia said sadly

"is it your ribs" Blake asked concerned

"yeah they are so sore" olivia winced

"I'm sorry sweetheart" Blake frowned

"why are you sorry you didn't break my ribs" Olivia chuckled

"I'll ask the nurse about doing something for your pain" Kris said leaving the room

"can you give Blake and I a minute to talk alone" Olivia asked looking at the cameron boy

"of course ill run and get us a coffee do you want" rafe said before getting interrupted

"vanilla iced latte extra vanilla syrup" Blake and Olivia said at the same time

"do you want anything blake" rafe asked

"Carmel iced latte two extra shots of coffee" olivia said

"is that what you want Blake" rafe asked

"yes please" Blake smiled

"okay I'll give you guys time to talk" rafe smiled making his way out of the room

"what do you want to talk about" Blake asked

"I didn't tell Carter about your mom he hired an private investigator to find out everything there is to know about you he said something about keeping his enemies close I'd never do that to you blakers" olivia said sadly reaching her hand out

"I didn't mean what I said it was the rage in me when I got the call that you were hurt I felt my whole world stop I lost my goddamn mind I wouldn't be able to cope if I lost you Olivia" Blake said

"I'm sorry for all the craziness" Olivia apologised

"I just can't loose you" Blake said sadly

"you won't loose me" Olivia said placing her hands on Blake's face cupping his cheek making him look into her eyes

"I almost did sweetheart I seen you flatline more than once it was the most terrifying thing I have been through" Blake said sadly

"I'm sorry blakers" Olivia apologised

"how are you feeling now" Blake asked

"I'm really struggling to keep my eyes open right now" Olivia frowned she was feeling exhausted

"get some sleep sweetheart" Blake smiled

"I have visitors" Olivia said yawning

"they will understand and it's just your family I've told the boys that you need your rest and they can visit you when your feeling more up to visitors" Blake smiled

"thank you" Olivia smiled

"now close your eyes and get some rest" Blake smiled watching the blonde close her eyes

07:20 pm in malibu
Blake was sitting beside Olivia's bedside scrolling on his phone when he heard foot steps approaching him he looked up from his phone seeing Kylie and khloe walking in he quickly put his finger up to his lips indicating for the girls to be quite as the blonde was still asleep

all because of a vlog part 2 🤍Where stories live. Discover now