Emilia: what'd you think? That was Shamak.

Subaru didn't answer 


Y/N did. They all looked towards traumatized butler 

Subaru: when did you get here? 

Y/N: BOI! I was yelling! photosynthesis, the entire time!  

Subaru: -_- jeez, what got you going today 

Y/N: could be me being literally blind sided

Puck floated to Y/N 

Puck: sorry about that, Subaru wanted to see what he could do with Yin magic 

Y/N: 'Subaru ask about his Gate? Guess that's thanks to the butterfly affect' so Subaru can use magic? 

Subaru: *sigh* yea but it's only debuffs 

Y/N jumped up and put his hand out for Subaru to grab 

Y/N: welcome to the club 

Subaru garbed Y/N's hand 

Subaru: now were both debuff specialist 

the two would stay like, confusing Emilia and Puck 

Emilia: umm. What are you two doing? 

Y/N: gaining respect for each other

Y/N and Subaru separated 

Y/N: anyway. How are you lot?

Emilia: I'm doing lovely today thank you 

Puck: I sure had a fun mornings 

Subaru: I'm excited to test out my magical ability 

Y/N:... I would like to see that 

Puck: alright then. I'll act as a support, and use the mana inside you, so the magic will come from your own Gate. You two should step away, so your clothes don't get messy. 

Y/N takes a few, turns to look at Emilia and finds... Emilia took a few hundred steps 

Y/N: jeez... Good luck


Puck lands on Subarus head 

Puck: if you can make relaxed, lighthearted comments like that, you'll be fine. Now, visualize the flow of mana through your body. Then expel a part of it, through your Gate, out of your body

Subaru: visualizing, I can do. Fantasizing is what I do best (..........)

Subaru starts making a weird sound... And something goes' wrong, I think he didn't make the sound right, but hey that's just a guess 

Puck: huh? That isn't good. The gate just-

 The gate just-

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