Welcome To My Oblivion

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                          (Y/N)'s POV

If you ask anyone what they think of being trapped in oblivion....

They would say that it will be so horrible they wouldn't last an hour...

Heheh...... if only they we're me...

I'm (Y/N)...
(Y/N) Dark

The most infamous child of my home town

The same child with an odd appearance with no mouth and eyes who seek no need for blinking

The exact child with a quirk so intimidating so many people refers to as a villain and feared by everyone...even those who called me their son...

                        3rd person POV

As the morning sun finally rises and luminates the once dark city,
(Y/N) gets up and prepares for another day.

(Y/N) goes to the kitchen... of course with his rather odd way of travel. Slowly walking around with his head bowed down.

As he gets himself something to "eat" he ponders to himself with this same topic once more

The topic of having no mouth

Having no mouth has some advantages and disadvantages,

Mainly is (Y/N) doesn't need to brush

It's an intimidation factor

And absolutely no one can read (Y/N)'s "Expression" in an exception of a mind-reading quirk which (Y/N) doesn't even know if it exist

But it makes "eating" a bit more complicated

And absolutely one can read (Y/N)'s "Expression"

And it's more of a wonder how (Y/N) can speak, but (Y/N) wouldn't ponder since he is just glad he can communicate.

Whilst pondering himself about this dilemma,(Y/N) crosses paths with his "Mother".

Elise Dark....

                         (Y/N)'s POV

"Greetings, Mother." I greet her with some spite in my voice continuing to navigate the kitchen with my odd movements.

I can see she is simply just trembling in my presence and it got worse just hearing me greet her.

This annoys me greatly considering we have gone over this with father so many times

"It doesn't matter of thinking about change if you keep acting like this, you know...." I say whilst finally grabbing the last of the food I need to consume

I see that she desperately trying to get out of my presence....but she needs to eat so she is just grabbing the food she wants to eat in a quick manner. And soon retreat out of my sight.


Grabbing the last of the food I need,      I go to the nearest table and set them down, preparing for "eating".

Due to having absolutely no mouth, I needed to be innovative in consuming food. So using my quirk, I turn the food into a black gas and soon when it is ready, I "consume" it by turning myself into black gas and circling around the gas that contains the minerals I need.

Soon enough.... I'm done with this process and proceed to the bathroom to wash myself.


After my bath, I now prepare to attend school, it isn't something I desire..... especially because of my reputation but it is required for many reasons.

After finishing with preparing everything I need and myself, I head to the door..... but I encounter a familiar face once more.....


"We cross paths once more, this is a new record......." I say with a bit of humorous tone in my voice.

"...." She keeps still, it is obvious she is intimidated by my presence but it is normal for me.....

But today wasn't a day where I am fine having unanswered questions....

"Why do you refuse to interact with me...mother..... are you really that ashamed in me...?" I say with increasing spite in my voice.

"I-..." I can tell she is pressured to speak because of her fear..

"You know,.....I often hear and read stories about you being so kind-hearted...... willing to sacrifice yourself to dark to save others.... but you don't even try and talk to the dark and understand...."

My mother is a ...wonderfull hero, The no.17th hero...

The Monarch of Flames: Soleanna

And her quirk:
Ibilis' Flames

In short, she can create flames directly connected to her soul, and these flames are powerful yet graceful.....

When she sets ablaze, her power gives her enemies the feeling that they are facing against a                                   Royal Princess,..hence the name....

But with all this grace, she still hasn't brought herself to light up my darkened path.....

But even with my initiation for a little conversation, she is still just there.... with fear in her eyes...... staying quiet to not attract more interest from me...

And soon... my patience drains itself due to her lack of confidence and I depart.... away from the place I call...

"My Oblivion....."


☆ Wonder why I never made (Y/N) evil in the first place....

Mephiles was a part of Solaris and hence why he is so evil and craves destruction...

In this story.... Mephiles or should I say you is not bound to Solaris and you are a real person with motives and goals.... and that is to prove others wrong

But you still have a cold,manipulative, and slightly sadistic personality nonetheless.


Dark Embrace (Mha x Male!Mephiles!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now