Episode 2.7 Dogs

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"Cheon Seo Jin. Only you'd deal such a low blow." Oh Yoon Hee murmurs out of her mind.

"What should I do? What if I can't find a tutor?" Yoon Hee said.

(All In Music Class)

Oh Yoon Hee marks wrong of what she writes as a classical tutor to her notebook.

"Darn it." Yoon Hee said as she left the market while eating a sausage.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Anna said as she gets her name tag and gave it to the cashier she's also in the market where Oh Yoon Hee left a while ago.

"It's fine." Cashier said.

"Take care." As Anna also gave her uniform from the market she wears.

"You're taking food again? Our boss might complain."

"They all expired already. I'll pay for these." As Anna Lee give 2 packs of food dogs.


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