Chapter 8: i remember thinking i had you

Start from the beginning

She reaches for Liho, who walks over to her willingly, right into her arms, and purring as she rubbed her head against Wanda's palm, relieving any sort of anger or negativity in her heart with her cuteness. "I love you so much, you're the best, you know?" She lifts the cat up and holds her like a baby, hands caressing Liho's fur. She lets go when she feels that Liho doesn't want to stay in the position anymore.

Pietro has spent about 20 minutes trying to catch and keep a ball so he could sit on it or be lifted on top of it, but it's hard enough to catch something that moves away if the air blows at it too hard, but to keep it long enough and keep still at the same time to attempt floating on top of it when it wasn't even as big as his hand? Well, long story short, Wanda was getting a very entertaining show. Entertaining enough for her to spawn fruit snacks for herself, and candy bars to throw at Pietro when he managed to catch and keep a sphere for more than 5 seconds.

"You still good to go?" She checks in, spawning a small amount of catnip on her hand, for Liho.

"Yeah!" he calls over his shoulder as he runs after a sphere that a clap of his knocked away, and now it's moving fast towards her and the bed, but it's right at his hand height, and it's currently the easiest to catch at the moment. Pietro may have had... questionable moments, but no one could ever call him stupid. (Seriously, if anyone ever dared, she would kill-- main-- hurt them).

He almost reaches it, but another sphere knocks it to the side, so Pietro reacts with his enhanced reflexes, and catches that sphere instead. He ends up elbowing Wanda in his--albeit successful--attempt to catch the sphere. She grunts, and he apologizes, but they both know she's not harmed, so they continue on with the game. Or Pietro does, Wanda resumes with her grapes and fruit slices.

He keeps it for longer than 5 seconds, and longer than 10, he keeps it the longest that he ever has. His tight grip on it keeps it from moving away while he tries to figure out how to make it fly. He tries to stand on it, which fails, because it rolls out from under him, despite his grip, and he almost breaks his face, heading high speed for the ground, but Wanda catches him, with a cushion of Chaos Magic.

"Thanks." He says, then resumes in his attempts to keep trying to find a way to stand on it.

He tries to sit on it, but the result is almost identical to his first attempt, except for the fact that he caught himself this time. He stares at the sphere in his hand and glares at it, like it will command him if he gets angry enough. Sad to say, that's not how it works, because it's linked to her emotions, but it's a fair attempt, considering their twin link. If he managed to manipulate--or at least communicate--with her Chaos Magic, then they'll truly be unstoppable.

His third, and fortunately last, attempt--"third time's the charm, as they say."--is wrapping his whole body around the sphere, like he's protecting a child, or keeping a bomb sealed--that analogy makes her uncomfortable--and it works. The sphere carries his weight, as he holds on to it, like it's a baby that needs protecting. As it floats upwards, so does he, and he looks up, when he feels his feet leave the ground.

"Wanda!" he cheers. "Wanda, look! I did it! I'm floating! I can fly! We can fly!"

Wanda claps for him, and whoops, and floats his favourite candy bar, a snickers bar, because her brother rarely has bad taste in anything--aside from experimental snacks, because his cravings get weird , and near poisonous, if that definitely expired/spoiled sunny side up eggs with sushi was any example--and he bites it from where he is on the air.

Then the sphere slips out of his hand, and he starts falling. Again, Wanda catches him. "You know I could just make you fly, right? No need for the spheres?"

"Yeah, but the spheres are more fun." He says, as he rolls off of the chaos magic cushion that she formed for him. "And sometimes, what if focusing on keeping me flying distracts you and I get you hurt? I don't want that. You've said so yourself, the energy spheres last and stand without need for any of your concentration. So I could fly without needing your focus on me, just you to send out energy spheres around before the battle begins. Plus, if I'm not around it, but an enemy is, you could so totally just make the energy sphere go KABOOM! And it's such a good trap. Can't avoid it if there's too much around the battlefield, like exploding snow!"

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