The band competition

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everything is normal except the time line is present time, there still very much was a vecna but Chrissy never did the crumble and is Eddie's Robin... Is this cheesy af? yes get over it .

The annual competition for best cover band came around again.

and this time Eddie and his band had actually been one of the few selected to compete, and Eddie was ecstatic.

His band was still in shock, they couldn't believe it and actually called the people conducting it and asked them if it was a joke, only to find out it definitely wasn't.

And Eddie was so excited that he would randomly burst into a jumping and talking like a chatter box fit. Sometimes the silly guy would start dancing, sometimes with blasting music and sometimes without.

But despite all of this excitement Eddie couldn't help but overthink things at night, he didnt really believe in himself and being confident all the time, his mind would wonder to another side of him as he stared mindlessly at the dark ceiling of his bedroom. Eddie checked who he would be competing against with and went down the list until he stopped at one name.

The Hooligans, Steve's band. Eddie smiled when he remembered how they had named the new band right in front of him a few months after Vecna. Back when Steve would come over and take care of him and his bats wounds, back when him and Steve used to sleep in the same bed because they both knew they wouldn't be able to sleep without someone next to them, back when Steve used to drag Eddie to his band's practice and practically beg for praise from Eddie with his warm puppy hazel eyes. Then Eddie's band, corroded coffin, suddenly sky rocketed and he played and played more and more and soon Steve's band sky rocketed too. Eddie remembered how much Steve complained about the band name when robin, Nancy, Will, Jonathan, and surprisingly Argyle agreed on the band name.

Honestly with that pick of people, in Eddie's opinion, The Hooligans was well suited for them. Dustin had wanted to joined and got denied immediately by Steve.

"Oh come on! why does Will get to join but not me?!"

"because Will is so ahead of his school work that he can afford all the pulling out of school, and do you even know how to play anything??"

"I mean- I can play a little electric guitar??"


"oh come on!!" dustin had practically thrown a fit for the rest of that night and still pouted every now and then when the subject was brought up.

Eddie had heard Steve sing in the shower before while Steve was taking care of him, although he would never admit it, he thought Steve's singing voice was pure heaven sometimes. Eddie was excited to see Steve and his band after so long...

but especially Steve.

Both Eddie's and Steve's band wrote good songs but they did even better covers. They could cover almost any song so well, Eddie did more metal and old songs but every now and then he would play some of the new songs of today. Steve and his band would do all classics write new song and do all kinds of covers, and although both the boys would never admit it to anyone they each had a poster of each other's band. Steve's safely hidden under his pillow and Eddie's on his ceiling slightly above his bed.

.    .   .

Steve was so nervous, he was afraid of what would happen at the competition, it went like this:

all the bands played a song or two for the crowd one at a time, then once all the bands played a song or two the judges, based on the crowds reaction to each song, voted who would be eliminated. Then it kept going like that until there was only two bands left, from there the top two played on their own stages across from each other and battled It out, each playing a few songs, taking turns and get the most reactions from the crowd.

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