Meanwhile, Shachi elbowed Law from where they were spying in the kitchen, "Why are they all crying?" He murmured, slightly disturbed. "Was crying when opening the door some kind of greeting here or did they just really miss each other that much?"

Law stared silently at the huntress who seemed to hold the most weight despite being the only one silent.

Charlotte's gaze flickered towards the woman as she returned from having put the children to bed. She was a beautifully stunning woman with the same black hair as her children that she styled in two skinny fishtail braids that ended around her collar. Her bangs swept gently to the side, showing more of her small heart-shaped face. Gentle ruby red eyes stood out on her face, contrasting with her naturally pink lips. Charlotte tucked her chin into her chest, angry with herself. So, what if they look similar and gave off the same vibe? The colour's all wrong!

Elora only gave her another soft apologetic look. No one would fault her for being reminded of a memory because they saw something familiar. "I believe you had a question for me?" She nudged gently sitting before the huntress.

Law watched Charlotte's behaviour silently. Her sudden hesitation or lack of motivation was a startling contrast to her earlier earnest and speed at hunting for her heart. Something had happened in the moment the two of them met. Unlike Shachi's assumption, Law didn't believe for one moment that crying was a normal greeting here. Despite the puffiness around the family's eyes, Charlotte's dry ones seemed heavier than theirs and he could probably guess why knowing the town's unusual ability.

"We're looking for something." Law started when Charlotte didn't and Elora's gaze shifted towards him, though not without hesitation. Red eyes lingering as if not wanting to part from Charlotte. When it finally did, Law was able to see the panic that filled her eyes. Their ask and why they were there finally settling into the Empath. "We're looking for a hu—"

"The relic." Law and Shachi turned towards the huntress, confusion on their faces. Wasn't Charlotte looking for her heart? "I'm looking to the ancient relic: a heart encased in glass."

Law sucked in a breath at the phrasing. Was this why Charlotte had been able to get different results than them? Because while they were looking for a human heart, she was looking for a heart encased in glass. The item of interest, the same, but what the phrasing meant to the audience was completely different. He knew the moment he saw Elora's reaction.

What was this heart encased in glass? He supposed that would be a more beautiful way of addressing his ability. The blue box could be mistaken for glass, he supposed if viewed from afar, but anyone would be able to tell from touching it that the material was clearly not glass.

"... what makes you so certain that I would know where a folktale legend of an item be?" Elora started after a moment, her voice trembling slightly. She played with the hem of her skirt. Her hands suddenly clammy.

Charlotte's gut twisted at the woman's reaction. She knew that Elora wasn't—that she was someone else apart from her own mother. Still watching the other's woman uneasy because of her hurts. "Your job." Charlotte forced the two words out of her mouth, feeling sick as the other jolted. Red eyes snapped to platinum ones. "Where did you put it? My heart?"

The pirates tensed suddenly. This was the woman who had Charlotte's heart?! How did Charlotte know that? When did she find out? Was this why she's been hanging out witch Kora, the daughter of the one who took her heart? But the woman had been away had she not? She also wasn't carrying anything with her when she returned. Where would she hide a beating human heart? So many questions popped into Law's mind from the simple interaction.

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