Charlotte sucked in air, breaths raspy and wavering as she tried to calm herself. Her cheeks puffed and Cole swore to hurt her if she dares to laugh again. "W-Why?" She managed to squeak out before slamming her hands over her lips, stifling another laugh.

"It's for all the trouble of having to rescue your sweet ass." Baako interjected, punctuating the last bit with a dramatic flair of his wrist as he walked around the newbie drag blocking the entrance to his storage room. He slipped past Cole with a little too much grace and elegance for a man his size. He yanked the blanket covering Charlotte's lower half off suddenly, letting the quilt fly into the air to land on one of the other fishmen's face. "Or should I say sweet tail?" He dropped his large hands next on either side of her blue fishtail. "Tell me mon Cherie, when did you become a mermaid? Last we've met I was sure you had legs."

Slit silver eyes bore into hers and Charlotte stiffened at his glare. "Which sea witch did you find to trade your legs in for a tail?" Her eyes dropped towards the large hand ghosting over her tail, the size of it easily enveloping the entire width of her tail and suddenly Charlotte wished she still had legs to kick at him should he decide to close his grip over her. The image of how easily she could be thrown around with a fishtail clear in her mind and her muscles felt twitchy.

He pulled back suddenly, hand clasping the edge of his tiny sharp chin in thought. "Or was it the sea witch that gives mermaids human legs? I think that was how the story went." His turned to Charlotte again, watching her from the corner of his eyes a bit more before the hardened gaze soften. "Not that any of those matters. How have you been? It's been ages since I last saw you?"

He paused slightly, giving Charlotte a big expecting smile. As soon as her mouth opened, he was speaking again, answering himself. "Well, I hope, and busy as far as I can tell. You were all over the news a while back, building yourself a record with your constant catches. Though you went off the grid ever since you asked me about that target—what's his name? Gosh, uh, it was that doctor fellow! Uh, Roo? Law! Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirates! You were quiet ever since you asked for his details and then, BAM! Next thing I know, you're a part of them? What?!"

Charlotte's eyes flashed towards the Heart Pirate in the back of the room. Cautious and curious as how he's talking in the slew of new information that would have never come to light it wasn't for Baako and his big mouth. Always the chatterbox... Charlotte groaned mentally, not surprised when Baako continued.

"Are you quitting the hunting business?" He gasped dramatically, faking a rolling faint across Charlotte's lap. He peeked up at her expression, lips twitching upwards at the annoyance she couldn't quite hide. He was heavy after all. "Hunting isn't very ladylike, you know?" He pushed, grinning when Charlotte's lips twitched even more.

He waited—truly waited—this time, allowing her a chance to retort, watching as her lips split open, lips shaping to form out words but another voice, one that mismatch that of someone with Charlotte's appearance filled the room instead.

"Oi, what did you said just now? You're the one who gave this Stalker Lady information on Captain?" Cole interrupted. Voice thick with threat. The frilly headpiece he was wearing crushed in one hand and the other ghosting the guns strapped to his exposed thighs.

Charlotte had a moment to appreciate the detail in his drag outfit. The man was dedicated, even going as far as to dress up his modified guns to match the outfit. Knowing Cole, he wanted to keep his weapons with him and knowing Baako, he probably allowed it to add a flair of danger to the Old Man's get-up. "I wouldn't do that." Charlotte sighed as Cole raised the rifle towards Baako and her. His other gun immediately cocked and pointed towards the other fishmen ready to jump to the bald squid fishman's aid. Not that he needed any.

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