Rike laughed nervously at the clear hole in the abused wall. "Well... he is the boss."

"Some boss he is! Always giving me shit for not listening to his plans and the moment I do ask he won't tell me." The two piqued at that. Now that does sound strange.

"So, you're rebelling and leaving the crew then?" Rike glared at the older male and the excitement in his voice.

"And let you weigh down my target by protecting your weak asses in the New World? Yeah, right." Charlotte dropped from her tiny tree house, using the bubbles to soften her fall.

"What is the meaning of this?" Charlotte's voice was laced with restrained anger as she glared at the multiple outlaws surrounding them. The pressure in the air so thick it felt like they were wading through water. "My target and his affiliates are off-limits."

"S-Shut up, Boa!" One of the older members of Hound Pets hollered, nervously, his weapon glinting in the sunlight against her neck. "The deal's off now that you've swapped sides."

Huh? Charlotte thought confused while the two Heart Pirates jolted in surprise at the sudden additional headcounts on the ground when they landed. "I'm a hunter first and foremost." Charlotte reminded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then explain this!" They threw down a copy of the day's paper. At the side eye Charlotte gave them, the other added with a barking laugh. "Don't worry, we'll let you read it before we attack." The blades against her eased off. "We've waited five years since you broke the system to get back at you. We can give you a minute more."

Charlotte picked up the paper, eyes scanning over the headliner. A separate poster paper fluttered out when she opened the newsprint, claiming her attention first. Platinum eyes widened at the face on the bounty poster, while Rike's face lit up as he read the headline out loud. Cole slumped at the news. "Another Hunter Joins Rank With Pirates: Bloody Boa Now With The Heart Pirates?!"

Charlotte ground her teeth behind her scarf as she stared at the bounty poster that fell out. The bounty poster with her face on it. Her bounty poster of her as a member of the Heart Pirates. Her gaze settled on the many collectors and their weapons, and she lowered her stance. "I am a huntress, and my deal stays."

Law didn't know how to react when he and Bepo rushed back to where the crew was training. Charlotte mentioned something about blindfolds and with her protection no longer applicable, they would be blind sitting ducks. "I thought you all were supposed to be training!!" Law barked instead, concern thrown out the window, long forgotten and replaced with embarrassed annoyance. The crew were out in the open partying into the night. They even had a bonfire going.

An arm looped itself around his shoulders and Shachi dangled his weight off his taller Captain, joyous smile on his face and a mug in his other hand. "CAAAPTAIINN!!!" Shachi slurred and Law wanted to pinch the space between his eyes. They were already drunk and would likely still be drunk when they left for Fishman Island tomorrow. Did he not already warn them that the trek down is dangerous and risky? Only 30% of pirates make it all the way safely!

Shachi pressed a finger between Law's brows, trying to smooth it out. "You'll get wrinkle lines." Shachi said and Law wasn't sure if the other was lucky that he was drunk or if his shades really did protect him from his glares. "Relaax, it's fine! Charlotte already b-beaten the hunters and traders up! You should have seen it! Ahahaha, she looked she really needed to punch something." Penguin nodded next to him, remembering how they ran in a frenzy when they heard from the hunters that she's been beaten and caught. They found her rampaging on a bunch of pirate hunters into dust. The child they had mistakenly kidnapped as Charlotte in Rike's arms.

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