"W-What did you come in here for anyway...?" Rike interjected quickly before the huntress could attack their Captain. The truth in Law's words clear on all the bandages taped around her fingers clutching the armrest to death.

At the words, Charlotte stopped. Mind rewinding back to the reason she came in here the first place, and her face soured immediately. Her eyes narrowed on the evidence that proved the whisperings about a magnifying glass that reveals everything floating around the sub as truth. "Why is that doing here?!" Charlotte demanded, pointing at the Remedial Core.

Law folded his arms together and turned towards the huntress. The Remedial Core pinched between his fingers in an almost lazy manner. "We're studying it." His voice lifted at the end along with his brow. He didn't understand what the other was getting at.

"Why?" Charlotte questioned back immediately, distracted for a moment before shaking her head and refocusing. "No, I mean, why do you have it?" She went through all the troubles of getting it so that the Zālians could get back what was stolen from them. "The Zālians will need it for the next time the island decides to it doesn't want to be hot anymore." Lyas had said the flu came annually. Plus, didn't Law make a cure for the illness? He didn't need the core then! Especially now that they have left the island.

Law grinned and Charlotte's scowled deepened. "I'm surprised that you care so much for the Zālians, especially given how they treated you." He teased, leaning forward, and closing in on the little space between them. He eyed the disappearing space between them, surprised when she didn't pull like she often did to maintain distance.

"I don't." Charlotte scoffs after a moment's hesitation. She threw her scarf over her shoulder and pulled her gaze away. "...but that doesn't mean they should die."

Law placed the core back against the table, and his gaze lifted to Rike. "For someone in your line of work, you're surprisingly easily motivated to save lives." He asked easily, turning towards the huntress just in time to catch her gaze darting towards the young pirate.

He beamed at her. "Thank you for saving us. I heard you went through a lot of trouble to get the Remedial Core for us." Rike thanked genuinely. "Though, as a doctor, I'd appreciate it if you also took more care of yourself." To think she went out into a blizzard and fought while sick.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" She mumbled quickly, hiding her reddening face behind her scarf. "I-I was just clearing my name!"

Rike smiled gingerly at that, sending her another thanks in silence. "Oh, and the seasonal flu will never trouble them again. The vaccine that Captain created was administered to everyone on the island." Rike explained. He and the others administered the shots for the whole island after they woke up.

Law grinned widened smugly at the astonished look on the huntress' face, pride filling his chest. "I thought you were supposed to be known for your brutality." Law's face dropped instantly, and Charlotte ignored it, more perplexed at the realization. This was the man who had ripped out her heart and used it as a bargaining chip to get what he wanted. This was the man who she was supposed to hunt—a mean and bad man.

He's not as bad as you think. Scary at times, but not bad. Penguin's words echoed in Charlotte's mind and before she could think more on it, Law spoke. "You learn things new every day, Hunter-ya." Law turned his attention back towards their newest toy. He paused, turning towards the huntress when she didn't move, noticing the serious look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't like to be misinformed."

His lips slanted, amused. "Rumors aren't very accurate, Hunter-ya. Why don't you replace your rumors with actual information?"

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