"Ugh!!" Penguin shot back as if he had been stabbed, "When you put it like that..." He muttered, eyes flickering to the chains rustling when she raked a hand through her hair. A heavy sigh left her.

"Whatever!" Charlotte groaned, pushing past the other. Her mood soured.

Penguin watched the retreating huntress with a frown on his face. Perhaps he should talk to their Captain about the chains. It did feel wrong to keep her chained up still. His brows pinched together. He could already feel the start of a migraine coming. It was times like these that he didn't like being the sensible one. Penguin patted himself down and was about to leave when he remembered the black bag he had took from Charlotte. "What am I going to do with this?"

Charlotte peaked into the galley through the small window, eyes scanning for any signs of life. Ever since she confronted Law about being inducted as a member of the Heart Pirates, she finally understood why the crew became so talkative around her and why they kept asking her questions about herself. They wanted to know more about their newest member. It only added fuel to the fire of curiosity when they found out that she's been to the New World.

Damn prey! Why couldn't he be clearer at the beginning? She hissed, remember how Law had seemed surprised that she didn't know. He only said staying aboard the ship! How was I supposed to know that mean that I was a part of his crew? Also, I refused! She thought, angrily. Her eyes landed on the cuffs around her wrists and her scowl deepened. Some great crew this was.

"Demon Witch, did ya forget how to open the door?" Cole finally decided to ask after staring at the huntress glare at the metal door as if she could light it on fire. "Y'know for someone with the colours of Haki or whatever, you're rather dumb when it come to normal people things!" He commented, stepping past her and into the galley with a push of the door. He made air quotes around the words 'colours of Haki'. His lackadaisical expression turned into an adrenaline rush grin as he dodged a kick to the temple. He scurried quickly inside.

"You will be the last person I ever teach the Haki to!" She promised, yelling after the male. She pulled back when she realized the many eyes now staring at her and the several conversations she interrupted. Turtling into her muffler, Charlotte brought the ridge of her red scarf higher. Silently, she made her way towards the bar for today's lunch. A satisfied grin splitting across her face when she heard Cole's frustrated shout at having to eat with his hands since there were no plates of use.

"Ya dumb face can't even wash a plate?!" Cole shouted, head snapping towards her. Expression a cross between disgust and exasperation.

Her grin dropped.

"Hey, is it just me, or do you think Charlotte's temper is getting shorter and shorter?" One of the crew whispered towards the other from the sidelines. The two already in another fist fight in the center of the galley.

"What is it?" Law questioned, never taking his eyes off the meter connected to his patient's blood pressure. His question directed towards the two still murmuring curses at each other at the infirmary door. Shachi shoved the two further apart with a huff and then fisted his hand in Charlotte's scarf when she tried to run off again.

"These two got into another fight and need to be treated." Shachi informed loudly, shoving the two further apart. Charlotte snapped her head towards the older male at the last word, brows raised and then she pivoted on her heels. Shachi quickly yanking her back when she tried to run off again. "This one especially. She's been hiding injuries and avoiding treatment."

Law piqued at that. He wrote down some notes on Dan's profile while muttering a quick "all's good" to the other. Dan tugged his shirt back over his head, having finished his routine checkup, and slid off the medical table to make room for the other two. "What did the two fought about this time?" He asked. The two of them were like cats and dogs, constantly fighting.

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