"And why should I be the one to help with that?" Charlotte scoffed, throwing the tail end of her scarf over her shoulder as she turned away from them. Away from the stupid ridiculous requests.

"Do you think that room and board is free here?" Law spoke, voice calm and level. But the finality was clear in his statement. His lips curled when Charlotte stopped. "You'll have to work to keep your share."

"No, I thought you just decided to run a free hoteling service on your dingy yellow boat." She said sarcastically, ignoring the flares of anger from the ship's mechanics. She spun around on her heels and stalked up to the doctor. She didn't stop until she was well in his personal space, something that the huntress probably wouldn't have done if she had more control over her emotions. "And I told you I'm leaving at the next island we get to."

"And yet you're still here after what, Marineford. Let's not forget about Amazon Lily too." Law shot back, looking down at the girl.

"We didn't even dock at Marineford!" She retorted, raising her chained hands to shove at his chest. "And you left Amazon Lily while I was unconscious no thanks to your drugs." She spat. Her chained arms never actually shoving at him. They hovered a centimeter away from him, the action pulled back at the last second.

Law eyed the space curiously and then the chains. The cuffs. They agitate her. Rayleigh's words echoed in his mind, but he pushed them away. "It appears you have a bad habit of falling asleep at the worst times." He said instead, not bothering to correct her that technically she drugged herself. Charlotte exploded, screaming out in frustration. Law expected the hit then, but still it never came.

He raised a brow at the huntress who had stormed off to the far side of the ship, screaming profanities underneath her breath until she reached the edge of the submarine. Her hands gripped at the rail, and she let out a large scream in anger. The pirates near her jolted in shock.

"Have you calmed down now?" Law asked when the woman came back, platinum eyes still flaring and her shoulders still heaving from her cries. She didn't give in to his poke. She wouldn't.

"...yeah," she huffed, honestly, and surprising them. She closed her eyes, choosing to use her sixth sense to see the pirates around her. "You," she called suddenly, her arms jolting out to point in the direction of some pirates. "And you... you too." She added.

They watched her curiously, wondering what it was she was doing. Or why they were being called. They waited patiently as she called them out one by one until she had pointed at everyone but their Captain. She groaned then, eyes flickering back open. "Go jump into the sea and die." She hissed, storming back into the submarine, and slamming the door behind her.

Law stared at the metal door curiously, amusement lining his face. "Well, that went better than planned." He commented easily while the rest of the crew were busy getting over their shock.

"She told us to die, Captain!" The crew protested.

Their captain ignored them, turning towards their furry navigator. "Bepo, how much longer until we arrive?" She had agreed after all. And that was what he wanted.

Charlotte grumbled as she descended the steps, anger coursing through her veins. She wanted so badly to hit that smug look of his face. But she couldn't. Not without getting whiplash from her own Devil Fruit ability. She kicked at a random crate beside her. God, did she hate Devil Fruit users.

"Rough day?" Jean Bart asked, ducking past the flying debris.

Charlotte turned towards the voice, tilting her head to the side when she spotted the large man. "You weren't at the meeting." She said slowly as if trying to register the fact.

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