Kaya Nagowa

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Age: Looks to be anywhere between, 17-26. True age over 22,000 years old.
Height: 5'4
Weight: 150
Eye color: violet blue, but at times seems more violet then blue. In her demon form a crimson red color.
Hair color: Midnight black
Scars, Piercings or Tattoos: She has a two piercings in her eye brow, one in her left nostril, another in her right. She also has two in her bottom lip, and four in her tongue. She has a Mark that she calls her contract mark. It's a crimson crescent moon with a black rose hanging from it.
Another one that was her mate mark, Is a fire lily on her right hip. That vines out, to spiral around her left leg, then up to her shoulder. All fire lilies.
More will be added later.

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