{Chapter 4}

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After I practically made a deal with not one, but three devils, they left, not even bothering to say bye to Jack and me whatsoever. The rest of the day and Sunday was spent sitting around binge eating, which isn't really healthy but I don't care.

Then, Monday rolled around which meant I had to go to school, where I could possibly run into the Rivers. Oh, who am I kidding. Sure, I was an invisible nobody before, but that doesn't change the fact that I have one class with each of them.

Blake, which makes the most sense as we're in the same grade, is in my algebra class — which just so happens to be my worst subject in school, hardly passing by with a C. This class is why I'm not making straight As.

That and P.E. Now one would ask how you could possibly suck at P.E, since it's mainly participation. But I absolutely refuse to change in front of anyone, even if they are my own gender. Just because we all have boobs and private areas, doesn't mean anything. We are all different weights and cup sizes, so why would anyone use 'we have the same stuff' as an excuse?

I can't even handle being around people fully clothed, and they expect me to when I'm most vulnerable. It's even more awkward when they decide to hold conversations mid changing.

Speaking of P.E, since it's not just a single grade, but basically anyone that still needs a P.E credit, Tyler is in my class. It's great that there are a bunch of balls he could throw at me, now that he so clearly hates me! That was sarcasm, by the way, and I know how you people work, so keep your mind out of the damn gutter.

As for Lucas, I'm in his English Language Arts class — I'm advanced, because I'm quite smart at the subject, not to brag, but the older kids do tend to look down on me — literally and figuratively, unfortunately. I doubt he remembers, but we exchanged words once — he asked to borrow my pencil and I accidentally give him my bitchy look that said 'How dare you speak to me, peasant' instead of a kind smile that I really need to work on, and he must've not liked that very much, since he refused the pencil that he asked for.

I walked out of my bedroom and saw Jack at the table eating cereal. Mom must've already been at work. Jack rides the bus to school. I, on the other hand, don't. Need I explain why? It's crowded, loud and filled with people. Enough said.

"Hey, Skylar, are you really going to separate Mom and Leo?" Jack asked as soon as he saw me. This must be difficult for him. He really likes Leo. But his sons.... not so much.

"That's the plan," I said.


I walked through the hall way, trying not to bump shoulders with any of these disgusting people. I arrived in my Biology class, which is my second period of school, after Geography. But after Biology, I have ELA, then lunch — which we have the same lunch period, too, which should have been obvious from the first chapter — then P.E, and after that, Algebra. So. Not. Fun. I have to deal with at least one River for four periods straight after this one.

I took my usual seat in the back. We actually don't have assigned seats in Biology, so I just sit... in the back, in my own little world, wishing that there was a window I could look out of.


I slowly looked to my right to see someone sitting next to me. Normally, I'm alone, and I like it that way. But now this boy decides to just come over here, and sit next to me?! And of course, it just had to be Dylan O'Neal, a complete and total troublemaker. Why is he sitting next to me? What is he planning?

I stared at him as he propped his feet up on the desk. He gave me a salute with a wink. Um... okay. Should I ask him why he decided to sit by me, the loner freak?

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