I stayed silent, but not because I wanted to hear him out. I stayed silent because I was too stunned to speak. What was this? Was... Was he... Confessing to me?

"I mean... I've... I've always found you... Attractive... But... But for as long as I know you, I... I always thought that I was attracted to you because we're... W–We're fellow Chinese. But..." George explained.

"But... L–Last... Last Sunday... When we... When we spent time... Just the two of us... Drinking tea... I... I finally realized that... T–That... That I'm attracted to you, not just because you're... Y–You're beautiful... I mean... Don't get me wrong, you're... Y–You're totally beautiful, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met, Ning, but..." he rambled.

A giggle left my mouth. Why did this hunk of a man, who always looked so manly, suddenly looked super cute when he was flustered and nervous like this? I looked at him with a smile, and my giggles seemed to calm his nerves considerably. He started chuckling, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"I'm... I'm not making sense, am I?" he grinned sheepishly. I giggled and shook my head.
"No, no... You made total sense, Gege..." I smiled, "Carry on..."

George smiled and nodded, and he started speaking, now with more confidence.

"I... Well... Yeah, as I was saying... Our... Tea time... Last Sunday, made me realize that I'm attracted to you not just because of your beauty, not just because of our shared nationality, but... But because... I feel a connection to you," he finished his sentence.

He looked straight into my eyes, and I felt like his piercing dark brown eyes seared themselves into my soul as he continued speaking.

"You're funny... Y–You're... You respected me, you didn't even want to see my... Uh... My..." he struggled for words. I felt my cheeks blushing.
"Y–Yeah... Your... Y–Your... That..." I nodded, understanding his meaning. George chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah... That... And... A–And above all that... Last Sunday made me realize that... T–That you see me beyond my... M–My work. Did you know that I had never shared about my family's troubles–my feud with my Da Ge, my family's history as tailors–to anyone else before?" George asked. I was surprised.
"W–What? Not even to... T–To Giselle-unnie?" I asked. George smiled and shook his head.
"She knew I came from Beijing, she knew I'm a tailor, but... I never told her the entire story," he said.
"But... Why?" I asked curiously, "Isn't she... Your girlfriend?"

George looked down to his teacup, turning it absentmindedly in his hands.

"... I just... Never felt the need to. She never asked as well..." he mused, "But..."
"But... I asked..." I whispered. George nodded.
"You did... You asked me why I decided to move to Seoul... Right at the first time we had a chance to be alone," he smiled, "I... Appreciate that."

I had to bite my lips to stop myself from grinning from ear to ear. The way George told me that he appreciated me caring about his family... It made my heart soar to the skies. Was I... Was this... How it felt to...

 How it felt to

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