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Hey y'all back at it again with another story I probably won't finish💀

Hopefully I become more motivated in the future. I think the reason that Sweet Heaven had 5 chapters was because my English teacher told me I had the best written fiction paper he's seen.  WHEN I TELL YOU I GOT HELLA CONFIDENT.

Anyways I saw an imagine story on TT and was like wow that shits hot lemme make a story rq

Anyways yeah here's the aesthetics for them🫶🏼

Lily Everest

I'm honestly too lazy to make separate aesthetics for the main guys on the team so this is just how they look like💀

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I'm honestly too lazy to make separate aesthetics for the main guys on the team so this is just how they look like💀

Kaden Carlos


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MY LAWD HE IS HOT. if I don't make him the main guy I'll def be using him for another story. I would also like to add he look like he whimpers😁

Mason O'Conner

Alright alright kid don't have to be so serious

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Alright alright kid don't have to be so serious. I feel like he groans and squeezes the headboard. Alright I'm getting weird. But am I wrong? No. I'm never wrong. Thank you next.

Julian Lewis

Julian Lewis

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ARFF ARFF. That's all.

Alex Ricci


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ITALLIAN MEN HAVE MY ENITRE FREAKINH HEART. Also yeah he's a typical Wattpad guy. Doesn't mean she'll end up with him🙂

Jackson stone

He reminds me of Milo from Atlantis or whatever that movies called

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He reminds me of Milo from Atlantis or whatever that movies called. MEN WITH GLASSES UGH BARK BARK. I don't cook but I can clean

Anyways yeah that's all of them. Maybe when I'm not a lazy bitch, I'll make separate aesthetics

Also please comment when I make the story who you want lily to end up with. Imma people pleaser😒

That's it!!!

The Teams Girl.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora