Chapter 1

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3rd Person POV


"Why do I have to go on the train Minnie" "You have to go on the train otherwise it would be strange if you were already sorted don't you think" "It does sound a bit weird when you say it like that" This is what the morning was like for Ariana Potter, she already knew Hogwarts like the back of her hand and she always knew what the passwords were before anyone else, that was probably because she had already lived in Hogwarts for eight years and she technically could already be in her sixth year already.

When the train started moving  Ariana went to find a compartment to sit in, she opened the door to one of the compartment and found a set of red haired twins talking about pranks and other stuff she knew she was best at "Hi, who are you?" she asked the twins "Oh, us well I'm Gred and my twin here is Forge" I on the other hand noticed that his trunk had the name Fred on it and his brother's trunk had the name George "OK. Fred" "Wait how did you know my name was Fred?" "That's easy just check the trunk, duh" "Oh, then what's my twin's name?" "Your twin's name is George silly" "Wow your a genius" "Ok?" the conversation kept going on and the three made friends really fast "What's your name Miss Genius?" "Well my name is Ariana Sapphire Potter" "Wait Potter as in the famous Harry Potter's sister?" "That's right!" "I didn't know he had a sister" George shouted therefore a kid our age said "Wow your voice is loud what you guy's names?" "Our names are Fred and George Weasley and Ariana Potter" "That's so cool your friends with a Potter?" "Yup" Fred and George said at the same time "I'm also a Metamorphoses, meaning I change my appearance by will or depending on whatever strong emotions I have" Ariana explained to her newly found friends. 

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter if you don't really understand who Ariana is then you should read the description of the book, plus I already have a Chapter 2 almost ready so that may be published today as well!!!

~ CFS (Cupcake, FrostingSmoothie)

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