25. Let It Go

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[Avni: Last night was kind of a train wreck. But it ended well- and I have EJ to thank for that. I sort of gave him a free pass, but he still took out time for me and he made me feel so incredibly special- and I really appreciate that. It's just- moments like that really just make all of this that much harder- because I don't want them to go away. I don't want him to go away.]

"EJ," Avni heard someone say. "EJ." The voice came again. "EJ, wake- oh, hi Avni."

Avni opened her eyes just a smidge.

"What is it Carlos?" EJ asked him drowsily.

"It's Ricky's birthday and we're gonna surprise him," he said awkwardly?

Oh, 'cause I'm in EJ's bed.

"Alright, fine, I'm getting up," Avni grumbled.


"On three or after three?" Kourtney asked, and Avni grinned to herself. HSM photo day seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Not this again," Carlos groaned.

"Happy bi-" Gadget started, obviously over the discussion. Everyone else joined in, "Happy birthday, Ricky!"

Ricky woke up with a start.

"And happy opening night, to those keeping score," EJ said. "Our show might be in danger, but right now our focus is Ricky."

Avni rolled her eyes at him.

"You guys, you shouldn't have," Ricky said. "Seriously, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"You're an old man now?" Jet asked.

"Wait, there's more," Carlos said.

"There is?" Ashlyn asked and Avni smiled at her.

"C'mon in, your best friend is old enough to vote," Carlos gave the cue, and Big Red walked in with a cake in his hands.

"Please tell me these bunks are air-conditioned," he said. No, they are not.

"Of course you showed up!" Ricky said, hugging him.

"We've spent every birthday together since preschool," Big Red said, glancing at Avni. She winked at him.

"And of course you brought a lotto ticket!"

"Brought a what now?"

"A lotto ticket? It's the last thing on my bucket list. That's why you're here, right?"

"You walked on the moon?" Big Red asked the same time Avni asked, "You became a superhero?"

"He actually did it all this summer," Jet said. "I'm Jet. Who are you?"

Big Red stared at him, channelling what Avni could describe only as Charles Boyle energy. He recovered quickly, though. "I'm Ashlyn's boyfriend," he said, going to hug her.

Ricky sat down in front of the cake.

"Make a wish!"

He closed his eyes and blew the candle, and cut the cake as everyone cheered for him.


Avni knocked on the door of the boys' dorms a little later, now that she'd had a chance to return to the guest dorms and shower.

When no one answered, she opened up one of the windows and peered inside. "Hey- hey!" protests arose. They were elbow deep in cake.

"You're eating cake without me?"

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