Sesshomaru lands. The demons body pulses and he chuckles triumphantly. Red energy gathers around him.

The demon muses, "I suppose I can't let you have all the fun!"

Sesshomaru easily dances away as the demon unleashes a barrage of energy blasts. I form a protective barrier around me and my comrades after the others dismount.

Shinobu says worriedly, "This is terrible! He's getting stronger with every one of Sesshomaru-sama's attacks."

Rin asks frantically as she grabs the front of Jaken's brown kimono and shakes him roughly, "Aren't we supposed to be helping him?!"

Jaken whacks his hand against the brown eyed girl as he chides her, causing Rin to release him, "You fool!" Jaken frowns at her. "Can't you see this is all apart of Sesshomaru-sama's master plan?"

Shinobu questions, "What's his plan?"

With tears in the corner of his eyes, Jaken snaps back, "Idiot! If I knew that, you'd think my life would be this difficult?!"

The demon fires more blasts of energy at Sesshomaru but he meets it with his own and cuts right through it. Then they explode. Sesshomaru leaps at the ent and brings Tokijin down on him. Like before, Tokijin doesn't scratch the armor, but a crack appears near the top.

The demon tells my fiancée, "It won't work, Sesshomaru." Sesshomaru grunts as he hoods his eyes. "I shall absorb your demonic energy!" The demon chuckles as webs shoot out and wrap around the golden eyed demon, holding him in the air. "No sense in prolonging this any further.


I blink my eyes as crimson red flower petals float over the area.

Sesshomaru murmurs to himself as he flicks his gaze after the petals, "This scent..."

"Hm. So that useless woman died, did she," Says the demon, regaining Sesshomaru's attention. "First she betrayed Naraku and then me, all because she wanted her freedom. And then when she finally gets it, what does she do? She does, and does in vain at that."

His eyes dilating out of anger, Sesshomaru snaps, Tensaiga pulsing, "Silence!" His sword glowing with energy, Sesshomaru cuts through the webs and frees himself before striking the armored shell with his sword. It finally makes a dent.

The demon gasps, "But, that's impossible! My shell is impenetrable!"

Jaken says with a wide smile and sparkles floating around him, "See? It's just as I expected!"

I cheer, "Way to go! You've almost got him!"

Green energy flares around the demon.

"The demonic energy I absorbed...!" He gasps.

"The demonic energy you absorbed could never be contained in that pitiful vessel you call a body!" Sesshomaru retorts. "Take this! Azure Dragon Whip!" A blue dragon forms along Sesshomaru's sword before lunging into the demon and biting him. The demon cries out in agony.

Suddenly, the Tokijin snaps at the tip.

"Th-The Tokijin...!" Jaken stammers.

Rin exclaims, "It snapped?!"

Sesshomaru just holds his eyes as he lands and jumps back a bit.

The demon says as miasma swirls around him, "This isn't over. I will be back for you!" He floats into the air in a tornado of miasma, and then vanishes.

Sesshomaru huffs as he chucks the broken sword on the ground.

"Sesshy-kun!" I exclaim as I drop my barrier and we run over to him.

Jaken says, "I'm so glad you're safe." The dog demon suddenly takes off into the air. "H-Hello? Sesshomaru-sama?"

Rin asks, "You're not going to leave your sword are you?!"

He responds with a glance, "I have no attachment to a broken sword. I will find a replacement."

"Karina!" I call. She meows which turns into a growl as the nekomata becomes a Sabertooth. I mount her without a backwards glance at the others and we fly after my fiancé.


Sesshomaru and Karina land silently in a field of flowers. It would've been beautiful were it not for the puddle of crimson blood spreading out from beneath Kagura.

I stare at her in horror, stunned by the amount of miasma coming off from her chest.

Kagura breathes in a stunned tone, "You...! You came..."

Sesshomaru tells her, lifting his head a little, "I followed this scent of blood and miasma."

Kagura mutters sadly, "Oh. I see. You thought I was Naraku." She bows her head. "Disappointed that it's not him?"

Sesshomaru responds, "No. I knew it was you." This causes Kagura to gasp sharply. The blood fades from the flowers.

Sesshomaru places his hand on Tensaiga's hilt but doesn't unsheathe it. Kagura jolts as more miasma spills from her wound. I doubt that both the sword and my purifying powers could save her.

I ask, "Are you leaving?"

I ask, "Are you leaving?"

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"Yes," Replies Kagura. Flowers fly up into the blue sky. "I've had enough."

I stare in surprise as the red eyed demon tilts backwards and there's a smile of content on her features. Then Kagura fades into a cloud of miasma that drifts away in the wind.

Sesshomaru and Karina were about to walk away when a familiar voice stops us.

"Wait, Sakura, Sesshomaru!" I didn't need to look to know it was Inuyasha and his friends.

"Inuyasha?" Asks Kagome wearily.

"Kagura, did she suffer?" Presses the hanyo.

Sesshomaru raises his head as he answers, "She was smiling." Then we walk back to our companions.


For my next Sesshomaru love story, I was thinking about a kitsune love interest, though I'm not sure. Or if she should be a half kitsune.

Please let me know if you guys want to see the story after this one.

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