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You keep on driving and pass the gas station but you see her look longingly at it as you pass.

Ten minutes later her hands are shoved into her crotch, her legs are tightly crossed, she's bouncing in her seat, and she's biting her lip hard.

"How much longer until the next stop?" She asks.

You frown at her, "We've still got like an hour babe. Do you have to go pee so soon?"

She looks down embarrassed and nods her head. You can hear her sniffling.

You reach your hand over to her thigh and squeeze it gently. "I'm sorry but there's no where we can pull over for you to go." She looks up at you horrified and presses her legs tighter.

"Hey, it's okay. I've got something in the back that can help."

What is it
A diaper - 5
A towel - 6

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