48. Feng Ning's Decision

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In the small hut beside Feng Ning's.

Lin Zi Xuan listened to the report given by his men and felt pleased when he heard that Imperial Doctor Wu actually tried to persuade Feng Ning. He decided that he would increase the wage of Imperial Doctor when Prime Minister Yan come back the next time.

As for now... he just had to be patience.

He knew that it wouldn't be easy for him to convince Feng Ning that he truly meant his words, so he would just show it slowly to her.

He had a lot of time anyway.

Even if there were a lot of work to do, he could still do it within the allocated time that he had.

There was only some little trouble with the security since he kept on tossing back and forth from the palace. But this little risk was nothing for someone like him who had been on the battlefield for so many years.

Thus, time passed quietly.

Lin Zi Xuan spent half the week staying in the small hut and helped Feng Ning to take care of her garden. He carried the heavy items so that she didn't need to carry them with her small body.

At first, Feng Ning felt troubled.

But after some time, she just let him helped her with carrying them. Those things were indeed heavy and she didn't want to hurt her back by forcefully carrying them either.

When Lin Zi Xuan was back at the palace, Feng Ning spent some time at the days to think about the words her Master told her.

Return to the palace?

Return to the live she had before?

Feng Ning had never thought of returning to that life when she decided to come to this small village back then.

But seeing Lin Zi Xuan coming here, it would be a lie if she said that her heart didn't waver.

She had heard that the Emperor was busy looking for the Empress for a long time. And honestly, at first, she thought that he wanted to search for her in order to kill her. That was why she had decided not to be polite in front of him again.

Yet, he didn't.

Instead, he apologized and accompanied her, helping her to take care of the garden and her life here.

He didn't force her to return either.

This made Feng Ning felt a bit at loss.

'Should I come back?'

The two of them were married anyway and there was really nothing wrong with her coming back to the palace.


Whenever Feng Ning thought of that word, she was reminded of what her father in her previous life told her about it. When she was a kid, she asked him why he married her mother and he laughed at her.

He said that he loved her mother.

And when Feng Ning asked which part, her father said everything.

Feng Ning could remember she listed some of her mother's bad habit and her father merely laughed at that.

"Loving someone is not about liking their good parts but also the bad parts. Love is about accepting everything about your partner, be it good or bad."

"As for marriage, it's a contract, vow, and also commitment."

Contract that bind the two of them.

Vow towards the other party that they would never leave them be in good or bad, be in sick or health, rich or poor, or whatever condition they were in.

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