Chapter 28

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They ran to the infirmary as fast as their feet could carry them.
"Pomfrey!" Mcgonnogall shouted at her.
Madame pomfrey turned around to see the scene.
"Ffs this child again!?" She thought.
She cleared a bed quickly and layed him down carefully.

Once Draco had woken up after being unconscious for 2 hours, there was a crowd beside him: Blaise, Pansy, Harry, mcgonnogall, Narcissa and Snape.
They all took it in turns to give him hugs and kisses.
"POTTER," Snape boomed.
"Yes sir" Harry replied quietly.
"Why on earth are u even here?" He asked.
"I- uhhh- cus I-" he started.
"Just spit it out" snape spat.
"Because I'm his- boyfriend and I helped him?" He asked looking nervous.
Everyone stared at Harry with shock.
"Wait, u bid on us?" Draco asked.
"Yeah, Snape thought harry would go with Ginny and draco with Pansy, while I thought draco and Harry got together" she said smiling with delight and Snape passed her the money, disappointed.

Once Draco was discharged, he said goodbye to his mum and headed out.
"So, u two are dating?" Blaise said winking at Malfoy.
"Yeah" Harry replied nervous.
"What do we do now?" They asked in unison.
"Idk" pansy said.
"I know!" Harry said.
Harry crept along the hallways with the others quietly so they wouldn't get caught and went to the gryffindor common room. The fat lady was not impressed that she had to be woken up. He grabbed his invisibility cloak and the marauders map.
"Want to go to hogsmeade?" He asked them.
"Yes! But we can't" Pansy said.
"We can with this" Harry said grinning.

In hogsmeade they snuck into honeydukes and had a bunch of sweets.
"Alohamora" Blaise whispered and went to zonkos.
"Let's get a bunch of these and prank the teachers" Pansy said grabbing fanged frisbees and biting teacups.
They felt a bit bad for stealing so they left some money and went on their merry way.
They skipped down the snowy path as snow dropped down gracefully as they ran along laughing.
"I love you," Harry softly spoke to Draco.
"Me too," he said jokingly as Harry looked at him shocked.
"I'm joking, I love u" Draco whispered as they shared a sweet, blissful kiss together.

"Get a room lovebirds" Blaise and Pansy joked together.
"Oh yeah cus ur not dating are u?" Draco asked laughing.
"Well..." Pansy started.
"I like Ron" Blaise blurred out, blushing slightly.
"And I like hermione" Pansy shouted as well.
Harry and dracos eyes almost popped out of their head at how shocked they were.
"Wait, so the platinum trio, us"- Draco said pointing at Pansy and Blaise- "fancy the golden trio."
They all laughed.
"Holy shit" Harry said grinning.
"Wait are u dating?" Harry asked Pansy.
"No but I fancy her," Pansy said grinning with delight.

I don't want to be a Malfoy anymore (drarry fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now