After the accident

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After seeing you friends dead body you were traumatized and stared to be depressed so you just skip everything like having out with friends,field trip,family road trip because the only thing you wanted to do is hang our with you friend so you just lock your self at home in you room in the dark thing about your friends but then when you try to make something you didn't have to right ingredients so you got ready and when to the grocery store and when you were getting one of the item you seen ♡HIM♡ he seen you and when to you asking why have you been gone for a long time? You didn't answer but you you just said "mother,death,depressed " and walked off he was confused and just stared at you while you walked off you finally came home and started to cook for your self bit you to get your mind off of everything but when you sat down and look up were your mother use to sit you seen her and then you stared to tear up and then burst in to tears and when to your room with no dinner and with no one

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