Chapter 3

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The sound of the wind making a swooshing sound can be heard in a room where a lone male can be seen standing while swinging a nicely cut, long branch. He swings it around as if using a real sword.

He was in a widely space office room. A long table by the large window with a closed curtain the room is a dark colored gray. Scattered papers can be found littered everywhere.
The young man was carefully moving trying to avoid stepping on one of the papers as he swings his branch like sword multiple times.

Minutes later, he stopped and breath out. “Phew~”. He then closed his eyes followed by his arms being raised in the air along with his sword of his imagination he fixed his posture from above and below.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes sharply glaring at a empty space. In a quick motion the young man swings his sword downward followed by a crescent like swing from the left to right he spin his right wrist where he’s holding the branch to make a upward swing.

This cycle continued for awhile. In each swings sweats fly from his head, despite making mistakes like stumbling or even hitting his own body with the branch.

He still continue doing his own thing... weirdly he didn’t even noticed he’s being watched since earlier.

Behind him someone was standing his left eye brow raised as he watch the young man brandishing the stick imitating a swordsman in training.




“Wheew~ I guess that’s it for today, Fufufu”. Ending my self teaching of using a sword, I stood with my hands at my hips as I catch my breath. My body temperature is high that I can feel my body burning with a sweats running down on my head using my sleeves to wipe it, when suddenly someone from behind made me jump in surprised.


“Wha-?!”. I leaked out a surprised voice as I hurriedly turned around, seeing a familiar man standing at the door with his arms locked at each other. “Doc! How long have you been there?!”. I asked in shocked and nervous at the fact that I did not even noticed him entering the room. Who knows how long he’s been there.

The man in a lab coat did not answer my question instead he put his phone into to the air for me to look at his phone with a timer that have a count of over 3 minutes.

My eyes open widely while nervously glancing all around to find an excuse.

“You know, I might not be a psychiatrist but I’m still a doctor who had knowledge when it comes to human psychology and mental disorder so if you have any trouble…would you like to talk about it?”. The doctor said while pushing his glasses like some kind of a show.

“Eh?”. I don’t know why but am I being mistaken as someone who had a mental problem? Not knowing what to say and since I’m still embarrassed knowing that someone especially him to see me doing those things earlier.

I nodded and took a sit when the doctor made me do so.

Clyde Andrich was a doctor not just a doctor but also the director in the Deus Ex Machina Industries or DEM for short.

While the place I’m working on is just a branch of that DEM, the Doctor Clyde Andrich was known to be a close friends of the founders of the DEM.

(A/N: Not the director of the DEM but just a branch, just to make it clear.)

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