"Then tell us," Annabeth pressed — placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. "Whatever you're handling, it doesn't have to be alone."

Selene wanted to tell them, so badly, about everything that had been going on. About her run in with Mal — about her fight with Kampê — how a crazy earth goddess has been speaking in her mind for the past eight months. They could help — hell, they could even  fix it! Ask Annabeth for some books, and she could probably clear Gaea out — for good — in a matter of days.

She could finally feel like herself again. Finally feel happy, and not be scared that Gaea would enter her mind and corrupt her thoughts every five minutes.

She didn't know why she didn't take that opportunity. Why she didn't tell them when she had the chance.

Selene settled for the half-truth. "I...I saw Mal yesterday," She whispered — looking up to study their expressions.

Annabeth didn't seem as phased as she thought. She simply quirked a brow, her mouth twitching into a frown as she studied Selene's confusing expression. "And...that upset you?"

"I tried not to let it," Selene said — befuddled. "But then he...he told me he hated me. He then said — he said something stupidly true, that's been sticking with me ever since he left."

Percy scoffed, "And what's that?"

Selene bit her lip. "Well, it's I — it's about a promise he made, when we were little. He swore on the River Styx that he'd never leave me."

Actually saying it out loud was humiliating. He swore on the River Styx that he'd never leave me, really? What type of sappy shits were they, back then?

Then again, they were like, seven, so could you blame them?

"And then he left you?" Annabeth questioned, her tone surprisingly calm. Selene guessed she knew what it was like — to loose a best-friend to the evil side, too.

Selene's bleak nod was all the daughter of Athena needed. Annabeth, without hesitation, pulled her into a hug.

Now, Annabeth Chase was a hugger. She wasn't one for physical contact at all, but when she did give you hugs, or any other friendly gesture, it was comforting beyond belief.

She felt safe in Annabeth's embrace. At peace, like everything was going to be okay. Like they weren't trapped in a labyrinth, or that Kronos wasn't rising.

It was, really, a perfect hug.

As Selene pulled away, she looked back at Percy. The boy looked quite awkward standing there, but then Annabeth rolled her eyes and pulled him into the hug too. Percy obliged happily.

"We've got this," Annabeth said confidently. "Don't worry, Selene. We can get Luke, and Mal, back."

Percy tensed at this. Selene kind of did too. She didn't exactly want Mal back — she had already accepted the fact that they were anything but best-friends anymore. It seemed Annabeth was still clinging on to her past relationship with Luke, however — desperate, and praying that the Luke she used to know was still in there.

"Annie..." Percy began softly — clearly exasperated.

"Right. Whatever." Annabeth muttered — pulling completely out of the hug. "Yeah — Luke's not coming back. You're right."

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