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Back when superheroes rarely got out into the world because of how the law made them illegal to save others, one super came to change it by breaking it and helping a CEO of a company called DevTech. The super had the ability to stretch her entire body to every single area no matter how far it was. Because of how she was trusted to make wrong things right again, she went on a mission to stop a villain, who hypnotizes people by optical illusion on the screens on any TV. The place she went to was New Urbem and there, she helped and saved many people, even helping the CEO himself whose name was revealed to be Winston Deavor. He even had a sister named Evelyn. One day, Winston brought the super to a party filled with other superheroes, who had also been hiding. One was really huge and muscular. Her ability was super strength to things that would always get in her way. Another super was also muscular and his ability was telekinesis to crush things without touching the object. The other super had bird wings and his face almost resembled an owl's. His powers were turning his head 360 degrees and screeching loudly like a hawk, possibly to make the enemy go deaf. The fourth super was a tall man with a lightning bolt on his suit. His ability was, of course, electricity to shock anyone. His weakness was water since electricity and water cannot cooperate together. Due to his electrical powers, hardly anybody touches him. Another super was an elder. Unlike the other supers though, he had a cape. His superpower was spewing out lava. Then there was one more superhero the stretchable super met. Like her and the muscular super strength super, she was a female, however she was also very young compared to the other supers around her. She had turquoise hair, a blue and green suit, and dark green leggings. She had a dark teal mask along with dark teal boots and gloves. On the middle of her suit was the letter "V" with a green oval on it. When the young super started to encounter the stretchable super, she started to stammer. "Oh, wow,!" The young super said excitedly. "Elastigirl, there you are!" "Hello" replied the stretchable super, whose name was Elastigirl. The young super continued to stutter in disbelief until she collected herself. "Hi," she said awkwardly. "My superhero name is Voyd. I just wanna thank you for like...for!" It turned out that Elastigirl was Voyd's hero and it was such a joy meeting her idol for the first time. "Okay, what I can do is this" Voyd said as she picked up a mug. She threw it in the air and caught it with what turned out to be voids popping in the air. The cup leaped in every portal it landed in until it was caught in Evelyn's hands. Everybody applauded her stunt. "That is impressive. Very...inter-dimensional." Elastigirl commented. "I felt like an outcast before." Voyd continued. "But now, with you being you, I feel like..." Then all of a sudden, Voyd started to get emotional and hugged Elastigirl while saying, "yay me" quietly. Elastigirl felt touched by this and hugged Voyd back. "I flew them in from all over." Winston said. "They've all been in hiding. They have powers, secret identities, and names they've given themselves." It turned out before Elastigirl came out into the world to change the law, Voyd was in hiding. The young wannabe was secretly born with powers and couldn't control them in her normal life. But when she heard about Elastigirl, it inspired her to become a superhero and help her realize that her powers were a gift and not a curse. But since the government declared that supers were illegal to the world, she was forced to hide her true self and powers as a normal citizen. It was very hard for her. She felt alone and lost in the world where people didn't want her to be who she really was. Now, Winston bought Voyd along with the other wannabe supers to New Urbem to make everything change. And that was bringing in Voyd's idol, Elastigirl. Since the stretchable superhero could be trusted by stopping the hidden hypnotizing villain, this would be Voyd's chance to shine off in the world again! Voyd even asked Elastigirl questions like how to balance superhero life with normal life.

While Elastigirl was still on the mission to find and solve the case of the hidden villain hypnotizing everyone on screens, Evelyn found and took Voyd and the other supers somewhere inside a hidden lair. Then out of nowhere, she took out an optical illusion machine to distract them. While Voyd and the other supers were focusing on the wheel, Evelyn put goggles on them. After she stopped the machine, she turned the goggles on, causing them to be hypnotized. "Now you all will do everything I say to make all of you illegal to the whole world forever!" Evelyn said. It turned out she was the real villain all along and just made the hidden hypnotizing villain, that Elastigirl was hunting for, up. Winston may have loved supers, but Evelyn was the complete opposite. She hated supers. Now Voyd was under her control and there was no one there to help her. She even tried to kidnap three kids to hypnotize as well as fighting with one of them. Meanwhile, Elastigirl, her husband, Mr. Incredible, and his friend, Frozone, were under Evelyn's control and Winston didn't even know about this while he was helping signing in the legalization of supers for the government on his ship, the Everjust. No one seemed to stop Evelyn, not until out of nowhere, while Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible, and Frozone were steering the ship to run into and crash into a city, the three kids Voyd tried to kidnap came in to rescue them. One was a teenage girl with black hair, the other was a young boy with blonde hair, and the other was a baby with one piece of orange hair on his head. They were surprised by the supers' hypnotic behavior. When the supers were about to attack, the teenage girl protected her siblings with a force field. However, the baby began to float out of the field and onto Elastigirl. "No!" screamed the teenage girl. As Elastigirl carried the baby, he used telekinesis to remove the goggles off of her. Elastigirl regains herself again and fights Mr. Incredible and Frozone until she managed to get the goggles off of them. After the superheroes were no longer hypnotized, the kids came in and said, "Please don't be mad at us." "We're not mad." Elastigirl said as she came and hug the kids. All of a sudden, a portal was open and the hypnotized Voyd and other hypnotized supers jumped out after being called from Evelyn about the kids saving Elastigirl, Mr. Incredible, and Frozone. The supers began fighting the hypnotized supers until they removed the goggles. Elastigirl even had to punch Voyd in order to grab her, remove her goggles, and break them by stepping on them. When everybody was back to normal, Evelyn saw everything that happened in another room that showed the point of views from the goggles on camera and when they got destroyed, she went to a secret jet and took Winston with her. That's when he got very suspicious of her schemes. "What have you done?!" He asked her. Evelyn wanted her and Winston to escape Elastigirl before getting caught. Meanwhile, Elastigirl, notices the jet about to take flight. "Evelyn! She's escaping!" She yelled. "Well, go after her! Finish your mission!" Mr. Incredible urged. "I can't just go! What about the kids?!" "Mom! Go! We've got this!" The teenage girl said. It was revealed that the kids were Elastigirl and Mr. Incredible's. They had a family. After her family urged her to go stop Evelyn, Elastigirl knew what she had to do, but first, she needed help. "Voyd! Come with me!" Elastigirl ordered. Voyd followed her. She just got called and needed help from Elastigirl, her idol! This was such an opportunity for her! This was it! This was Voyd's moment to shine into the world and show who she really was along with using her powers! Meanwhile, in the jet, Winston started to realize what was happening. "Strap in!" Evelyn ordered. "It's for your own good!" "No!" Winston yelled. "This is!" He then opened the door and jumped out to escape. Meanwhile, Elastigirl and Voyd reached to the top of the ship, only to see the jet already taking off. "We're too late!" Voyd called. "Get me up to the jet!" Elastigirl ordered. Voyd then opened portal that led to the sky and Elastigirl hopped in. However, Elastigirl kept slipping off of the jet and Voyd opened up lots of portals to catch her until she finally got Elastigirl inside by opening a portal at the bottom of the jet along with Elastigirl stretching her arm to grab an item inside to have her go in. After noticing the super inside the jet getting drowsy due to the lack of oxygen, Evelyn began taunting Elastigirl while bitterly saying, "the reputations of superheroes are ruined. You will never become legal. Ever!" After being taunted several times while losing oxygen, Elastigirl found a flare gun and shot it next to Evelyn, causing her to get sucked out of the jet, screaming. Elastigirl then used the oxygen tank and steered the jet. She then hopped out and caught Evelyn as the jet crashed into the sea. However, the evil woman kicked Elastigirl in the face, causing the super to lose her grip and to make Evelyn fall. While the rest of the supers were figuring out how to turn the ship around, Voyd was watching everything in the sky, waiting for her signal to catch Elastigirl and Evelyn. She kept saying to herself, "Make the chute, make the chute..." in order for her to be ready to catch the two falling women with her portal. When it was time, by the last minute, Voyd opened up a big portal in the air close to the sea and caught the women. She opened up another one on the ship, causing Elastigirl and Evelyn to roll and land on the ship. While the ship was turning, Frozone managed to stop the Everjust by using an ice wall to stop the ship from crashing into the city. After the intense battle, everybody in the city began cheering for the supers that just saved the day.

     Meanwhile, as the supers were getting off the ship, Elastigirl noticed that Voyd was nowhere in sight. She looked everywhere around the ship, until she spotted her inside, next to a wall, feeling guilty. Elastigirl went over to her and noticed tears in Voyd's eyes. "Voyd, are you all right, sweetie?" Elastigirl asked. "This...this is all my fault..." Voyd whispered. "I almost kidnapped and hurt your kids. I even almost got you killed from almost not getting you into that jet...especially when I opened that portal by the last minute before you and Ms. Deavor went into the sea...I'm so sorry...maybe I don't deserve to be a super and show the world who I am..." That's when Voyd began to silently cry. "Voyd. Hey. It's not your fault." Elastigirl said. "You were just hypnotized by Evelyn. She tricked you. She tricked me. She tricked all of us. So you don't have to be sorry. Look. I'm okay. This was just your first time using your powers for something useful, that's all. So you don't have to beat yourself up like this. Be proud of who you are and then everything will be okay. You deserve to be a super, because that's who you are and what you are made to be." With those words, Voyd looked up at Elastigirl as tears continued streaming down her face. She then broke into a hug as Elastigirl started comforting her.

     After a peaceful moment as Evelyn got arrested for her evil actions, the supers were at court, where the judge finally declared that supers were now legal again. Because of this, Voyd was now able to show off her powers to the entire world and had huge opportunities to save people from any threat they ran into. Voyd may have been young and nervous about her missions, but everybody counted on her and the rest of the supers whenever they needed any help.

     Meanwhile, in prison, Evelyn was sitting in her cell with cold misery. She even had bitterness in her eyes while realizing that her plans of keeping supers illegal were ruined by Elastigirl, Voyd, and the rest of the supers. She wanted to get revenge on them. She had to do something to escape prison, get the supers back, and to make them illegal again forever. That was when it hit her. Evelyn looked out the window and grinned bitterly as she watched Elastigirl getting credit and interviews from people. "Enjoy yourself right now, Elastigirl." Evelyn said vengefully. "Because this woman has an idea that will change your life and career as a super...forever." She then grabbed a piece of chalk and wrote the letter "V" on the wall while chuckling coldly.

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