Chapter-11 Demanding

Start from the beginning

Jungkook didnt utter a single word. His eyes were on the figure seeing her eyes getting moist. It stabbed him but no words in a response,is not coming out from his mouth against her questions.

The boy can't be able to figure out what he should even say.Jungkook feel his jaw clenching. Her sudden questions about her, triggered the emotions which he has been trying from the past six months,to bury in his heart. But seems like he can't escape anymore nor he can suppress his emotions. Afterall along with her,he is also suffering.

Does destiny really choosed this time for the truth? When he was forgetting the past,and thinking to try his luck on the present..........just Why? How can someone so unlucky?

Jungkook divert his vision and said calmly.
"Tomorrow we have to leave so it would be better,if you will focus on that. We can discuss your these questions some days later."

Y/n shake her head with tear forming in eyes. Some days for her will be hell. She can't live with this pain anymore. She needs explanation
He was about to walk pass by her,when something hold his wrist. Jungkook close his eyes tightly gritting his teeths in irritation.

"I can't wait. This is what I am doing from the start right? Waiting For You to speak like a proper husband,to notice me one day,to treat me like your wi..... atleast like a human,to yourself tell me the reason for treating me like this. How more you want me to wait Jungkook. Your this wait is killing me. I had waited long for you and your explanation. But now I can't.....please not today!".

Her voice was cracking in between. Jungkook felt something building inside. The effect of these things and her broken state are too much for him. He can't handle this.

Noticing no movement from him,y/n turn him around. She can't wait no more. The girl was silent these days, because she was unaware of the bitter truth. A hope in her,was stopping herself to face her husband. But not anymore. Specially when the reason is out and after she erase the hope from her heart......the longing of her husband

If it's not today,then not anymore!

"J.. Jungkook please I had never questioned you. I had not complaint even after getting the cold shoulder from you, without any reason."

"But now I want answer of my every question. I have waited long enough but not now. Please tell me,did you really never accepted this relationship...never considered me as your ..w..wife?"

Jungkook couldn't be able to hold the eye contact for long as it's hurting him to see her this vulnerable state. The tears from her eyes were not stopping. The pain which was hidden,is showing on her face. And Jungkook can't see this....the condition for which HE is the only reason.

"Y/n please! We wil...."
Shocking Jungkook,y/n grabbed his collar and stare into his eyes. Her eyes were holding pain, desperation and lots of emotions, which he couldn't identify.

"NO! You have to answer me toady Jeon Jungkook. You have to tell who is mia. What's the reason behind your this coldness?"

She screamed on his face.

"Y/n you are crossing the limit!"
Jungkook said, glaring into her eyes. He tried to remove the grip,but seems like today y/n is determined to hear everything.

"I don't care ok! Just answer me! Why You hate me so much? Why your heart is black for me while for others it's warm?
Why I never felt my husband's love?"

Never in this six months of relationship,the girl never raised her voice on him like this. But when your heart already broke and there is no hope,you can't control yourself anymore. It will eventually comes out. And same happening with y/n,now the desperation and pain is coming out in form of anger and frustration which are screaming and demanding for an answer from her husband.



I am sorry for short Chapter 🥺

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