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As you all know, long before the time of inklings and octolings running around on Earth, there was a different dominant species. Known only to history as 'humans', not a lot of their true nature is known to the world beyond ancient artifacts/texts. Of course, in some parts of the world, scrolls were discovered depicting what appeared to be ancient technology created by these humans in hopes of preserving life far beyond their time. Unfortunately at the last minute, there was a change of plans, and the only cryo-pod of the known ancient world was used to save...well a cat.

For years, what human society was truly like beyond these points were nothing but pure speculation. That nothing was ever going to be known about these creatures than what was already present.

Until now. Deep beneath the ground of the Splatlands, a human construct is still present. One much more different from the likes of Alterna. An underground bunker, heavily eroded and worn down, but still structurally sound all the same. Inside one of the rooms of the bunker was a lone, tube like structure. For years, it has remained entirely undisturbed, nothing but a silent whirring sound ever emitting from it. Until it suddenly began beeping wildly, and the latch opened. A figure basically slid out of the pod as a message played.

"Welcome to the new world, son. Please, share your gift with them for me."

The figure took a moment to properly wake up from their slumber, scratching their head. Their mind was foggy, probably from being preserved like leftovers for years. Then the thoughts came flooding back to them. Right. You're Y/N, your single dad was a scientist all that stuff. As your life story came rushing back to you, you were surprised to find a gap in your memory. This room. It felt familiar to you, you recognized a lot of the sights in here. Technology your father used. But this pod, it was alien to you, but it didn't feel that way. You shoved your hand back into the pod for a moment. Cold as hell.

You then looked over to what appeared to be a console next to the pod. It was a screen depicting what would've been your vitals, should you have still been in it. Seems like you've been out for a long while, the duration timer is maxed out. That's a lot of nines. But sure enough, this all looked like your dad's work. You then stood up, your legs still weak and struggling to keep up the pressure after years of no use. You took a look at your surroundings, the entire room itself looked very worn down and old, but your pod was completely spotless.

Alright second piece of business, where the hell is your left arm? You already knew you didn't have one arm, but you have memories of a self made prosthetic in place of it. Yet you couldn't find it anywhere. What you did find however, was a bunch of stale crackers. Didn't matter at the moment though, food is food, no matter how questionable it is that it survived alongside you in whatever was going on. Soon enough, you found water all the same. Not much to describe it other than plain ol water. Now that the basic needs were finally dealt with it, Y/N could figure how the hell to get out of here.

From what he could vaguely remember about this area, this bunker was formerly connected to his house's basement. However when he walked towards the doorframe, it was something else than he remembered entirely. It had a hand scanner? That's odd. Well, may as well give it a try. Y/N placed his hand up against the scanner, giving it a moment to register before a green light turned on, and then door slid open, revealing a set of stairs. Y/N then walked up the stairs, watching the damage get progressively worse the more he headed upwards. Eventually he came to a lone door, with the same kind of scanner from before. Below the doorframe, Y/N could see natural light trickling out. The new world was right out there, waiting for him.

Y/N: *out loud, to himself* this smart? Could be just about anything out there. Although I suppose I literally have nothing to lose.

After Y/N said this, he heard sudden commotion coming from outside of the door. Y/N quickly shut his trap and listened. He didn't know what was making the noise, but there were a couple distinct voices. It was very obviously conservation, he just didn't know the language. But it still sounded like they were getting closer.

Y/N: *internal thoughts* Whatever creatures are out there speak like they're smart, so maybe they won't kill me. Its better than old crackers for the rest of my undefined life.

Y/N then took a deep breath, before placing his hand up against the scanner, causing it to beep green and open up. Y/N instinctually closed his eyes from the flood of light assaulting them. Slowly but surely, Y/N began to open his eyes back up and what he saw gave him the shock of his life. Two humanoid looking figures and a...bipedal manta ray?  Y/N wanted to speak or quite possibly even run, but his body was failing him, refusing to move in the slightest.

Eventually the the figure with yellow hair approached him, shouting something entirely foreign causing Y/N to stumble back, and nearly fall over. Then the blue figure stepped forward, shooting in arm out in front of their companion, shaking their head. Y/N could tell from their body language it looked like they were thinking about something for the moment before finally decided to speak up.



[Way shorter than my normal work, I know. I'm sorry. Trying out two whole new angles for Splatoon fics can be tricky. Hope you enjoyed all the same. Still working on the first, so look out for that!]

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