Part 6 - Keep Them Closer

Comenzar desde el principio

"Right...?" Nikki said. "Ew."

"I need somewhere I can go where these bozos don't have to follow me." Jen looked over at the rear view mirror. She and Nikki were being closely tailed by a Damage Control car. Those guards earlier.

"We'll just have to wait and see. Unless you wanna hulk out and smash them out of the frame." Nikki said.

"Wish I could do that." Jen said as she drove.

At a Starbucks Branch.

Next thing she knew, she was on the news again. Fresh out of being criminalized on television, and just for this interview.

She smiled sheepishly. Unsure of what to think as the reporter and her camera crew basically caged her in the Starbucks.

"What time was it when you saved that little boy?" The reporter asked.

Another reporter came in with HIS camera crew. More were expected to come.

"Do you still plan to be a lawyer?" one asked.

"What happened back there at the gala?" another asked.

"Is it true you think that gala was forced with its celebration of female lawyers?" the fourth one asked.

Jen scoffed. "One at a time, please. Thank you." she said.
Jennifer retained composition, as she kept it cool.

"First of all. I saved a little girl, not a boy. I advise you to be careful with the misgendering, kind sir." she said. "I don't recall the exact time but I think that was around nine?"
Then on with number two.
"Yes. I still plan to be a lawyer. I'll have to open my own practice if no firms want to accept me anymore." she said.
"What happened back there at the gala?"
"My privacy was violated by web users, and I acted out in anger." she said.
Four. She hoped it would go no further than this.
"I'm still pretty mixed up about that. Do I think the celebration of female lawyers were forced?"
"Like I said, I'm pretty mixed. A part of me says it's exactly what I want, to be acknowledged and empowered along with other women. The other side of me says we should not only celebrate that particular set of lawyers, if not, all kinds of lawyers. Because we're all doing the same thing that's helping people. And I think THAT is true equality." she said. All questions were confidently answered. Jen almost felt proud of herself.

"What are your thoughts on the enormous hand sticking out of the ocean?" A reporter asked.

Jen raised a brow. "Why, I don't see how that connects to me. I prefer not to know, honestly. But if anything, maybe it was some ancient giant just trying to get some fresh air." she said.

Later on when she left the cafe. Jen was followed by a bunch of teenagers, the kind of them that looked approachable.

"Jen Walters!" The girl in that group called out to Jen. She was smiling, excited to meet Jen.

Of course, she was nice enough she took some selfies with them. Smiling, then just plain having fun with wackiness in these photos. She was glad she was an icon to these young people.

The high-schoolers thanked her happily.

"Thank you so much, Miss Walters. We're definitely gonna call you anytime now!" The girl said.

"Definitely. Feel free!" Jen said, as thrilled as they were. "But don't think too much about that. Stay out of trouble."

"Just . . . enjoy high school, and follow your dreams." She smiled.

"And look, this might sound a bit sudden. But . . . don't go around chasing other people, mmm'kay?" Jen said to the teenage girl, who attentively listened.

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