13. Celebrations are Plenty

Start from the beginning

I am meeting with Mark today to discuss his bachelor dinner. I know, he was actually serious about not having a Vegas night. As his best man, I promised to make the dinner party a great night. All our friends will be there including some of his cousins and believe or not, my dad and his dad. Very interesting crowd.

My dad asked me if Mark was okay while we were getting dressed at the hotel. At first I was perplexed by his question until he explained himself.

"I thought you boys would be painting the Vegas streets red." He said and I laughed.

"Nah, he opted out." I said and my dad laughed in disbelief. "I know, right." I said as he laughed more. 

We take some photos to mark the occasion before we head to the restaurant for dinner after which I organised a little party on the rooftop. It's not Vegas but we will still have a good time. The dinner was great and Mark's dad gave a heart-warming speech with a few dirty jokes to lighten the mood. We went to the rooftop for an afterparty. We had a DJ and bartender and we had a tamed but great night.

~1 month later~

"Hello?" I answer my phone sleepily.

"Rogers! Mate wake up. It's suit fitting day!" Mark screams over the phone. 

"Stop screaming. I have not forgotten."

"Okay. I'll see you in two hours." He says and laughs before we hang up.

2 hours? Oh man. I throw my head back in the pillow. Alicia is still passed out next to me. We had a crazy long night with baby Luna. She has a case of flu and last night was terrible. We took her to the emergency room and the paediatrician checked her and kept her for a few hours. Eventually we got home but have only gotten 3 hours of sleep.

Now I have to get up and get ready for a suit fitting. I close my eyes for a few minutes before I jerk awake again. Few minutes was 20minutes. If I don't get up now, I won't make it on time for this fitting.

~2 hours later~

I am standing in front of a large mirror with Mark and our two friends in our suits. Mark selected black tuxedos for us groomsmen and a white one for himself. I think we all know this was Sophie's doing, but who cares, we look sharp. 

POV: Alicia

The last two months have flown by. So much has been happening. Luna's 1st birthday was in a few days with Sophie and Mark's wedding the week after. Monica has been helping with the birthday planning as Luna's godmother. Luna has been obsessed with butterflies, flowers and strawberries so that's what we chose for a theme.  

"Luna? Aunty Momo is here with your party dress!" Monica calls out as she walks into the living room with a big pink gift box. Luna is in my lap clapping her little hands. Monica takes out the dress and it's so beautiful in 2 shades of pink.

"Let's get you in your dress honey." I say setting Luna on the couch. "Junior, can you please go get daddy so Luna can show him her pretty dress?" I ask Junior and he jumps up. "Yes mommy!" He says and runs to get Harrison.

I put Luna in her dress and put her down as Monica pulls out her phone to capture the moment on video. "You look so pretty Luna." I say and she squeals.

Harrison walks in with Junior pulling him telling him to come and see Luna's dress. Luna sees her dad walking in and in a turn of events, starts wobbly walking to him, to all our delight and her laughter. Harrison bends down to pick her up and spin her while Junior is jumping and clapping. My baby is finally walking just days before her first birthday and I am in tears of joy watching her.

Luna's birthday party went off without a hitch and even better, no tantrums from either of the kids. The strawberry cake was delicious and Luna looked like a beautiful butterfly thanks to the headband and wings that came with the dress. 

All the kids had fun and were passed out by the time they left. We were also exhausted and after the kids were in bed, all we needed was a shower and some good sleep. 

It's been 2 days since Luna's party and now I am on my way to Sophie's bridal shower. We are having a spa day for all the pampering we can get. The itinerary for the day was massages, facials, lunch, champagne, photoshoot and gifts. She and Mark have been really serious about keeping everything classy and low-key.

Some of the gifts were risqué making Sophie blush and cover her face in disbelief. These ladies were not pulling any punches with the gifts. It gave me some ideas for my own sexy time with Harrison. I know he's not shy about trying new things.

~Wedding Day~

The day had finally arrived and excitement was rambling through the hotel as we were getting ready. Junior was excited about his duty as ringbearer. He looked so cute in his little tuxedo. A little tear escaped my eye as I was looking at him. Luna looked cute in her dress as well that matched mine. 

Harrison looked so handsome in his best man tuxedo. My husband definitely knows how to rock a suit. He's so sexy and yes, we sneaked in a quickie before taking some family photos with the kids, my mom and Harrison's parents.

Junior looked so cute walking down the aisle with a beautiful smile that is definitely courtesy of his father. Harrison looked dashing there next to Mark in his white tuxedo. He looked a little emotional before the tears finally won when Sophie came into view. She wore a beautiful mermaid gown with a long veil. She was a beautiful bride.

They exchanged some heart-warming vows that moved everyone. Harrison was looking at me and mouthed an 'I love you' which made me smile as I said it back. 

The priest said Mark could kiss his bride and my goodness did he kiss her. 

The ceremony was beautiful and the reception even better. Delicious food, hilarious speeches and a fun-filled party to close out the evening. We danced the night away before we saw the happy couple off to their honeymoon.

"That was such a fun wedding." I say to Harrison as he carries me into the house. I told him I can walk just fine but he insisted saying he was carrying his bride over the threshold making me laugh. 

"It was fun. Thank goodness the grandparents took the kids, we can sleep in." He says and we laugh. Being parents, we cherish every quiet moment especially the opportunity to sleep in. Our toddlers think it's fun to wake up in the early hours after they keep us up all night, but I would not trade being their mom with anything in the world.

"Let's go take a bath." He says as we walk into our bedroom and start undressing.

"How about a hot shower instead?" I say walking towards him until there's no space between us and I can hear his breathing change. I peck him softly on the lips before moving and getting totally naked and walking into the bathroom, making sure to sashay.

Soon my back is against the shower wall with Harrison thrusting deep inside me and my nails digging in his back as we both moan. The warm water continues to cascade over us as we catch our breaths after finding our releases.

The next morning we made breakfast together, watched movies all day in between napping and ofcourse hot, uninterrupted sex. 

We went out for dinner just to celebrate life and us because it has been an interesting year full of surprises from the birth of our little girl, to my documentary deal, the drama with Leslie and Mark and Sophie getting married. What a year!

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