"How about I prove to you I have a big heart?" Yeonjun hums, grabbing Beomgyu's wrist so he spins around landing in front of him.

"Is this another one of these things you'll start without being able to finish?" Beomgyu counters, cocking an eyebrow expectantly. His arms fold over his chest because even though he couldn't care any less for Yeonjun's offer, he likes to point out Yeonjun's all bark and no bite.

Yeonjun's smirk turns into a pout and his eyebrows drop. "That's because I know how to flirt with my fake boyfriend but he doesn't know how to do it back." Yeonjun looks around, smiling when he meets Beomgyu's eyes. "Should I give into him if he refuses to make me feel special too?"

Beomgyu scoffs, Yeonjun doesn't make him feel special, at all. To make Beomgyu feel special, he'd have to stop flirting with everyone in sight first. "How can you make me feel special when you flirt with everyone?"

"I stopped because you asked me to. I haven't done that for someone before."

That's the bare minimum in Beomgyu's opinion really.

Yeonjun himself knows the only reason he'd done that too is because he's the only one to call him out for it. Any other time he's had to act as someone's fake boyfriend, they've been too smitten to notice and it's usually short-term, so they never really cared.

"You didn't defend the fact you don't flirt back. Did you not take my advice and watch some romantic movies?"

"You said that to me yesterday." Beomgyu pouts in defence. It's not like he's had time to, he literally woke up with Yeonjun this morning so the other knows he's had no time to watch any.

He doesn't think he would've anyway: Romance isn't his genre.


"Lacking?! I'm not lacking! I could be super flirty if I wanted to! You wouldn't be able to handle it."

Yeonjun raises his eyebrow at the sudden challenge, the corner of his lip tugging into a smirk. "Yeah?"

Beomgyu exhales through his nose sharply. "You couldn't even handle it earlier and I wasn't even trying." Beomgyu's chin tips up confidently, suddenly the cold air bothered neither of them, off in their own little world.

Yeonjun's hands find Beomgyu's waist, pulling him closer so they're pressed together and touching foreheads. Beomgyu almost taps out then and there, feeling the warmth of embarrassment sneak up onto his face and ears.

"I was taken by surprise. You haven't got anything up your sleeve that I wouldn't be able to handle." His lips ghost over Beomgyu's, seconds away from touching, teasing Beomgyu to the point he's half-tempted to press them together himself. Half-tempted.

"We'll see about that."

Yeonjun smirks, pulling away from Beomgyu and walking away coolly with his hands in his pockets. He likes the idea of someone trying to 'pursue' him for once and not having him do all the work. Even when he's intentionally flirting with someone, hoping the result would be sex, it gets boring when the girl tries to play hard to get.

Beomgyu jogs to catch up to Yeonjun who is wandering off on his own. "Hey! Where are you going? We still have places we need to go!"

𝔽𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕 𝕗𝕠𝕣 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕖, BeomjunWhere stories live. Discover now