Episode 2. ^///^

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Essence speAks•~
"Ughh when would this sh*tshow end!!" i said silently while gawking at Mrs. What's-her-name who teaches trigonometry. I grabbed my phone which sat on my lap and scrolled through silently and I noticed the untapped conversation and instantly felt guilty

It was Jasper, Irene's friend with the fluffy-looking hair.
"oh well, I'll see him today probably" I rested my cheek on my knuckles as I tried to listen to what's-her-name.

20 mins later
'rangggg' the bell went off signifying the start of lunchtime I presume idk wtf happens in this school. ^//^

"yeeeaaaaah" Essence said

a scrawny looking boy rushed out of the supplies closet and almost immediately after followed a thot in a bright pink 'little top' wiping off the side of lips smirking at me

I slowly looked at the boy who rushed away and noticed his flushed cheeks and bold love bites on his neck and I chuckled
"Irene! did you just see that" I said to Irene who was just exiting a classroom
"What?" she said

"The boy, running!.." I replied
"Oh, Kevin . He usually hooks up with Tricia. Tricia gets with anything in skirts or pants." She said non chalantly
"Oh well, he's cute" I responded and Irene giving me a shocked/confused look
" No! Eww" she added already irritated

"Come on let's get going" I said.

•In the Cafeteria

"ohhh....what's this!!?" I said elated

"Shirly's chocolate wafers" Irene replied after taking a long look at the brown and golden wrapper in my hand
"It's nice right? Funny story the reason why it was added to the menu was because......

Jasper's speAks•~
"she's right there Jasper... You know you can do this! This isn't the first time you've been smitten by a person's beauty or maybe it is
"Oh Essence" I said dreamily and with that I finally muster up courage to walk up to the table where Essence and Irene are
"Jasperrr" this high pitched voice comes from nowhere
"Hey Jasper come sit with us!! you always sit with Irene we're your friends too you know" Ella said while patting the vacant space on the bench beside her gesturing me to sit while chewing her gum rather loudly
I reluctantly sat down
"should I just text her" I thought
"no no! She hasn't answered yet I'll seem too desperate" i glanced at Essence' table and let out a sigh
" did you guys see that new girl with Irene today?" Ella said and blew a chewing-gum bubble
"Yeah she's with her now" Tricia said
"She's quite pretty" Jordan chipped in
"I know right" I said unknowingly while staring at Essence causing a reaction from everyone at the table
"Ohh okay Mr. Loverboy" Tricia said and pushing a carrot stick in her mouth
"It's not like that" I defended
"Isn't it a little too early?" Jax said

Tricia & Jordan laughed
"Leave me alone bro it's not like that"

"Who's this Essence person?" Ella questioned under her breath with glaring eyes

•Essence' residence

"Ez!!!!!!!" a loud cry came from the parlor
I made my way to where I was being summoned
"Woah!!" I gasped

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