Chapter~4 The Flashback

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Gavin POV
I start to wake up, and all I can think about is the pain. I try to stand, but the pain was too great I couldn't even move. I look around, and I realize I am not in my house. "Hello?" I scream, as I start to hurt. The door opens, and it's drake. "Are you okay baby?" He asks "Well other then the fucking pain." I think I was a little snippy to him. "I am sorry baby. I am just in a lot of pain." "Yeah I know. Do you remember what happened?" I nod my head. "Only a little mi remember: us kissing, the windshield of my car being broke, and then getting the shit beat out of me, but that's about it." He looks at me, and I look back. "This can't keep going on. I love you, but I can't live with myself if you get the fuck beat out of you." "Hey look. I don't care what other people think about me. I love you, and this pain is only a very small part of it. You make me happy. I am not going to let some jocks destroy that, because we are 'sining'. I don't even believe in god." We sat there for about 5 minutes, then Drake's mom comes in the room. "What is it mom?" Drake says. "I want you to help Gavin into the shower, and then help him downstairs for supper." She starts to walk out, but she turns back around. "Oh and one more thing. Your dads funeral is this Saturday. We are leaving tomorrow, pack your things." Drake looks at me. "Can I ask you something?" He says. I nod my head yes, and look at him with a weird look. "Would...Would you come to New York with me?" He asks. "I don't know. I mean you would have to talk to your mom, I would have to get a baby sitter, and what about school?" He looks at me turns away, and then looks back.
*earlier that day*
Drake POV
I get back into Gavin's car. Knowing he won't mind. I get to school, and I go to my class that is right after lunch just on time. I am sitting in class, and the intercom comes on, and calls me to the office. I get there to see the principal standing in his office with the jocks from before and a cop. "Where is the knife Drake. I know you still have it." The principal says in a mean tone. I take the knife out of my pocket and set it on the table. The cop picks it up, and puts it in his pocket. "Now mr..." The cops says as I cut him off. "Drake just call me Drake" "Ok mr. Drake. We need to ask you a few questions." The cop says, and I nod my head. "Drake what happened during lunch? I want to know your side of the story." The principal says. "Ok here is how it happened. Me and my boyfriend Gavin had left for lunch, but decided to skip eating, and have a make out session. We are sitting there kissing, and all of a sudden these pardon my French fucking assholes broke Gavin's windshield, and started beating the shit out of Gavin. So to save my boyfriend I quickly get out of the car, and cripple them to make them stop." They all stand there, and look at me. "That is not what these gentlemen has told me. They calm that you and Gavin decided to just attack them for no reason. Look here. I can't go against these boys word. They can't be suspended, because if they are they cant play, and if they can't play we won't get anywhere this season. So son I am sorry, but you and Gavin are suspended until next Wednesday. You can leave now." I then storm out of the room. I get into Gavin's car, and tell mom what happened.
Gavin POV
"Yeah that sounds like principal Ellis." I nod my head ok, and go downstairs to call for a babysitter while he asks his mom. "She said ok Gavin." Drake said. I found a babysitter, so we go to my house and pack some things, and we go back to Drake's house, and we eat and go to bed.
((Hey guys sorry about the wait. Just been having personal problems and then school so I am sorry))

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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