Chapter 3~St. Peters high school

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Gavin POV
I hear my alarm go off for when I set it last night (6:30). I look around, but see no Drake. "Drake!" I shout, as I hear talking downstairs. Ok he must just be talking to James and Sasha. I take a shower, and get dressed in my normal school clothes: black sweatpants, a long sleeve black shirt, and a Sword Art Online hoodie. I walk downstairs to find Drake already fed James and Sasha, and them already liking one another. He looks at me and says "morning baby. Sleep well?" "Yes." I replied "thank you for asking." He walks over to me, kisses me, and of course James and Sasha both said "ewww." I finish the food Drake made for me: an egg and cheese omelet. Oh my god it was the best, and we headed for school. We dropped them off at the elementary school, and we got to our school:St. Peters high school. (And one may think that my school is a catholic school, but it is not. It's just a regular public school.) we walk in together, and pick up our schedules, and can you believe we all all seven classes together. "Nice. I get to spend all the time in the world with you." He then hugs me, and I hug back. That's when I spot a group of jocks. Looking at us and talking about us. Well at least I think they are. We then go to our 1st class:government. "Good morning class. I am Mr. Ford. Please chose a seat, and I will make the seating chart that way." I chose a desk in the back and Drake takes the one next to me. After an hour of hearing all of Mr. Ford's class rules the bell rings. Now we go to English. After that we go to physics. Finally lunch comes around. In most schools in this area you are not allowed to leave at lunch, but at ours you can. So me and Drake get in my car and leave. "Where do you want to go?" I ask. "Why not right here?" Oh god I see where this is going. I pull over, and he comes closer, and kisses me. We are like this only stoping for air every once in a while. All of a sudden I hear a smash. The jocks from earlier start bashing my windshield in trying there hardest to get in. "Hey fags let us in!!" They scream. I try to start the car, but can't. "Shit they must have pulled something off." I say. They break the windshield, and pull me out. They throw me on the ground kicking me yelling "God hates fags!" Then out of nowhere Drake comes out and does something to them. In my almost passing out I notice a knife covered in blood in his hand. I then pass out form the pain.
Drake POV
As the jocks throw Gavin outside of the car. I am able to slice one of there arms with my switch blade. "God hates fags!" The others are yelling. I am able to slice one of there backs, and stab the others hand. I pull the blade out of the ones hand, and look down at Gavin he is passed out. I get him into the car, and drive him to my house. "MOM!" I yell, as my mother comes out to help. "What in the world happened?" Some jocks thought it was okay to beat the hell out of someone in the name of there worthless God." "Oh deer. Okay get him into the house, and you get back to school. He will be here when you get home." I nod, and get back into Gavin's car, and go back to school.

((Hey guys I am sorry for the wait. I have been busy, and haven't had much time to write. Then my boyfriend and I (I am also a boy) broke up, and I was love sick for a little. So I am sorry, and I will get the next chapter up soon ^-^ love you guys and fallow me here and on Google+ at Kazuto Kirigaya dashie. Oh and if i offended you by saying "worthless God I am sorry. But that is how I feel about the subject.))

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