4. I'm a what?

978 19 0


"I'm a what?" He asks confused, the teen looks up and passed Jos, the very man that is suppose to be out on track setting times and gather information for the team and his race on Sunday. Her eyes meet that of him while he looks utterly shocked and terrified at the same time. This is bad, this will go down to hell. She knows it.


Her heart is racing in her chest as the dutchman junior looks at them, the others turn to the new comer. His face is a combination of anger and shock, fear of what had been said only mere moments before. His helmet in his hand while his balaclava is still on, his steering wheel next to him as he looks to be having stepped out of the car just only now.

"This is nothing but a lost infant and this teenager is gonna get this bastard child back where she found him."
Jos speaks angrily before anyone else can. Which doesn't go very appreciated by anyone, not even his own son. Which has the younger dutchman look angrily at his father and ready to murder him. If Millie didn't know any better, he seems to be open for for the fact that he is a parent.

If the teenaged girl hadn't seen the emotions swirl in his eyes for only a brief moment, she wouldn't have known that he could possibly believe the words that he had overheard in a way he wasn't suppose to and that was obviously bad planning on their part of this not realising that dutchman junior would step out of the car when he had done so, thinking that they could get away with talking about this topic while he would stay seated in his racing car but that didn't happen.

This was not something he was suppose to hear now, with only what the teen girl can see is still about 25 minutes to go of racing in a car what will definitely not be happening anymore, the concentration for something as complex as that and what demands a driver's upmost attention to not crash and possibly injury themselves or others. Is always a high risk that these people are taking.

Which is the only reason that Millie has any respect for the young dutchman, she knows the dangers of this world and how one little wrong move could possibly mean the end of someone's life. She has been there once and she wishes that horrifying scene on anyone, the loss and the way that it isn't just only a blow to the family of the driver but also the people surrounding him, the ones that were there and how it knocks the wind out of everyone that knows.

The teen girl turns her head towards dutchman senior. "The orphanage? The bloody orphanage?? You want to bloody lie to your own god damn son about this not being his son while you knew all along and never said anything, dumped this innocent child in the orphanage while going on with your day and Max none the wisher about the son that he has conceived with some german model? What kind of sick and twi-..." but she gets cut off.

A hand clasps over her mouth as the words get died down by the force of the hand on her mouth. Her eyes shoot up to those of the man that had put his hand over her mouth. The other hand is gently placed on her back to keep her from moving away from him as all she can do is stare at the ocean blue eyes of the young dutchman.

If she hadn't been this flabbergasted by the fact that he has put his hand over her mouth to silence her in a non-rude or aggressive way, she would have pulled it off and continued shouting at dutchman senior. The force that his eyes command her without uttering a word to keep quiet and let him do this, has her blink and nod her head. Comply to the very man that she normally would curse to hell for touching her.

Junior turns to his father with an expression that only promises violence. He let her mouth go to give his father his upmost attention. "You knew i had a child? A son but you elected to ignore to inform me about such important and there for felt the need to hide him from me." Max says with his voice filled with anger and hatred, pointing to the infant laying on the girl's lap, still soundlessly sleeping.

Ocean Eyes 🌊. MVWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt