A whole new worldddd (UPDATED!!)

640 39 16

Y'all, mah will to live rn is solely the fact that if I kms I'll have started this shet and neva finished it \(._.)/ Welp movin' on


AN of AN! wow again?? rlly??? It's getting annoying ik ik,  sry. Anyway, this chap is now updated!!!!!!! yay!! also, lol first an was kinda dark- dw I'm mildly better now 


"What do you want..?"

Roksoo kept his face carefully blank. 'Ah.. I didn't think this through..'

(follow up the internal screaming cuz', mah baby don' know how to interact w/ humans, and neither do I)


The red-haired child blinked, Roksoo blinked back, if blinking was a form of communication, then these children knew the language fluently.

(Can you tell I'm writing.. typing this at three- Ah sorry five am yet? Ah wait I ment to type four-)

The red-headed child sniffled, pressing his hands into his eyes almost painfully. Roksoo narrowed his eyes and carefully reached forward to take the kid's hands into his own.
His eyes immediately went up to meet Roksoo's.

"What'd you want!?"

"... I don't want anything."

"Yes, you do! They always want something!"

"But I don't."

The kid (Oml I need them to introduce themselves already and stop saying 'the kid' it's driving me crazy) flinched and stared at Roksoo like he had said something crazy.

".. who are you?"

Roksoo tilted his head, was it.. not normal to just want to talk to someone?

"I'm Roksoo. I'm from a family of traveling merchants, bandits tipped our carriage while we were traveling here. ..They killed my father."

"Oh.. my name is Cale Henituse, son of the Count in this territory, my Mother's carriage tipped on her way from Harris Village..."

Roksoo's mind goes blank. ' Harris Village..?" His eyes minusculey twich. 'The birth of a hero'


He blinks ah, shet he is currently speaking to the so-called trash of the count's family, the character that was only added to help the character development of the MC...

"Um are you okay?"

Roksoo kept his expression carefully blank.


"..ah, I'm fine. I suppose I just hadn't assumed that we'd both be here for relatively the same reason... How old are you by the way?"

' According to the novel, Cale should be around 17 when he insults 'Harris Village', and Choi Han beat him half to death... although it was ironic that Cale not once regretted it. I suppose I wouldn't be wrong to assume that he resents 'Harris Village' because his mother died on that trip, any spiteful child who had no one to blame, and no one to comfort them would do so. in a way, he reminds me of myself-'

"I'm 11, but I should be asking you that question, you look like you're 5 and talk like an old man!"     

Cale's voice was stand-offish, he defiantly glared at Roksoo and pointed an accusatory finger at him.

/Perhaps if Roksoo were any other character, he would cough up blood, or internally wail in agony at this childish insult. But no, this is our deadpan Roksoo whose reaction to getting stabbed would probably be; *glances down*, "I wonder how much this knife would be if I sold it.."'/

"That's because I am 5."

Cale blinks. Roksoo blinks back.


"Yeah 'Oh.'"

Roksoo deadpans. His aura leaked unimpressed.

"Oh, what young master?"

Both children flinch and turn to an old man with a benign smile etched onto his face. Roksoo suppresses a shudder. So this was Ron Molan, seemingly a butler, but actually an assassin who had traveled here with his son to escape something.-what this assassin could be running from, he didn't want to know-

"Ron. Do you need something?" 

Cale glared at Ron, no doubt ticked off by the fact that he was caught off gaurd.

Roksoo hid behind Cale. This Ron was terrifying, how could Cale just go and disrespect the terrifying man like that!!? 

'Does this kid want to get us both ruthlessly killed???!'

"Why of course, it's nearly time to leave! Who is this,,, friend, that you've made young Master Cale?" 😊

Roksoo sweats in horror. He should've just walked the other way.

For this chapter, you may thank@IemWessabi for adding the story to a reading list and reminding me that yes, I do have a story that I'm supposed to upload, and no, I cannot wait to do it tomorrow.

Anygays till next time 🥂


AN of AN,,, lol I might changed a tiny bit, but it wasn't much,, I just decided to change a few things that I thought would better match KRS's character. Plus I  added a few minor details to make the story more comprehensible.

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