chapter 4

177 11 2

Gulf's POV

"Guys next Month we are having CC school Level Compitition which is going to be conducted in our school" the representative of my class informed us

"WHAT"   "in our school"
I could hear many of my classmate mumbling

I know it's a most popular Compitition many schools would participate in it
If I am Correct this is the first time they are conducting in our country

"Guys here is the best part
Do you know who is the guest of honour..." When the representative said that everyone just focus on him to know the answer

"The guest of honour is The actress from the movie Forever and her husband Jason"
Everyone were shock including me

Brother Jason is the guest I thought

"So Guys listen I have not completed yet...

Hey don't make noise
Guys Listen please" representative was trying to control the class but everyone were talking about the Guest
When the representative made a loud noise by tapping the desk everyone's attention was back on him

"The list of Compitition which is being conducted will be on the notice board

Application form will be distributed tomorrow those who want to participate can fill it give to Ms. Grace" class representative informed

In the evening I was waiting for my dad then suddenly I thought why not go and see what are the list of Compitition conducted

Wow there are more than 40 Compitition conducted for three days

"There is a drawing competition
Should I participate" I thought

I not too good at it but I love drawing. When I was young I used to scribble on the walls of my house
When I was round 7 My dad asked a famous artist to tutor me

Since then no matter how ugly my work looks dad would frame it and hang it on the wall

The time I went back to the regular place I wait I saw the car
I opened the car door and sat inside

Dad asked "how was your day"

"Good" I answered with a smile

"Dad This year CC school Level Compitition is going to be in my school" I said

And added
"Do you know Brother Jason and Sophia are the guest..."

"Is it
This morning he called me saying he is coming but he don't say the purpose of his visit" dad said

"Are you planning to participate in any event" dad asked with excitement

I nodded not to disappoint him
"Then dad would come and cheer you" he said and smiled to respond him

The next day
I got the application form filled it and  went to submit to miss Grace my homeroom teacher

"Gulf I won't allow you to participate in this
Your marks are low
If this goes on you won't be able to get into University" she yelled at me

"Mam I..." I tried to speak but she cut my sentence

"Does your father have lot of money to affort you
so that he could get you in any universities with that mark of your

And every competition will have a selection round
I don't think you could make it" she said straight to my face

"Mam I will study hard
Let me participate..." I tried to defend me but

"No means no
You are the only student in my to get fail mark can't you study like other
I want to meet your parents on day after tomorrow" she said harshly and continued her work

I don't say anything I am scared
If I tell something her words may hurt me even more I would end up crying I front of the staffs

When I was about to exist the staffs room I realised I left my pen on the table
I went back to get it then I heard

"Don't you think you were really harsh on that kid"

"I get really irritated to see him
He is a boy with no surname
I want to hold the best teacher of the year batch but because of him I don't think I can

He continuous gets low mark and cannot even do a proper presentation

And I think he is studying in scholarship
I am going to tell his parents to stop his study there is no use
He is just useless....." Ms. Grace kept on talking but I left the room

Tears were over flowing
She really hate me
Just for few months I started to feel suffocated
How am I going to bear with her for the next one year

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